May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Chapter 1545: The one who killed you

The other party stopped, and one of them grabbed him by the collar and picked him up easily.

Julien's eyes widened in horror, and was frightened by the other's momentum and terrifying power. He was 1.9 meters tall and he was a big fat man, weighing at least two hundred and twenty jins. The other party was obviously much thinner than him and could actually lift him.

"You... who are you?"

"Those who want your life." Xu Qigang's murderous intent appeared in his eyes, as if death came from hell. He jerked his knees, and Julien made a sound of shattering bones that made his teeth tremble.

"Ah..." Julien fainted with painful wailing. Originally thought that fainting was a relief, but he was kicked in a fatal position, and he woke up again.

"You...who are you?" He yelled unwillingly: "Why do you want to kill me?"

"Have you forgotten the good things you did yourself?" Renault kicked again fiercely. "Dare to kidnap my sister-in-law, you are so **** tired of it! When you dare to do this, you have to think about your fate. "

Julien suddenly remembered and looked at the cold man in horror. " are Shengning's man." He knew that since Shengning escaped, he knew that he was in a big trouble to bear.

First he was suppressed by the Feng family, and now he was retaliated by the man from Shengning. He is really crazy, why did he kidnap her to death. I knew she was such a big one, and she would do it if she didn't mess with him so much.

"Not too dumb." Xu Qigang raised the gun in his hand and pointed it at Julien's temple, "You **** it!"

"Boom!" A gunshot was obscured by the voice of the bar partying all night.

Julien stared hard and swallowed one last breath.

"Master, where are we going?"

"Go to the Metropolitan Hotel."

"Is it going to see my sister-in-law?" Renault asked happily.

Xu Qigang's cold face showed a soft smile, "Hmm! She is in big trouble tonight."

"Then we hurry up."


The two walked away calmly as they had come.

Feng's Manor

Manager Xing changed his clothes and was about to go out. He happened to see Mr. Feng sitting in the living room reading the newspaper.

"Sir, are you really not going today?" In the manor, apart from the bodyguards, there are servants, and even the young masters have all participated in the auction. The Feng family's family welfare is very good, no individual living expenses are enough for them to spend.

"I'm not going, I'm getting old!" Mr. Feng put down the newspaper in his hand and looked at Mr. Xing in a neat tuxedo with a hint of relief in his eyes, "Xiao Xing unknowingly you are getting old too."

"Yes!" Director Xing showed a trace of nostalgia when he thought of his childhood.

"Hurry up and find someone to marry! You can't be single for a lifetime."

"Sir, I vowed to devote my life to the Feng family." Manager Xing said seriously.

"That won't work." Mr. Feng chuckled and said, "I want more than your whole life, but also your son and grandson!"

Manager Xing was taken aback and bent over and said, "Sir, you are right!" It seems that he needs a bride.

"By the way, today is the last day?" Mr. Feng said lightly.

A trace of panic flashed through Manager Xing's eyes very quickly, and he has been suffering these days. For him, the assessment given to Miss Sheng Ning by her husband was completely unfair. He wanted to remind Miss Sheng Ning many times, but his identity did not allow it.

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