"No." Sheng Ning knows King Living Hades, "He is not the kind of person who likes to play tricks."

"What you know is before, not now. By the way, I heard that there is a very good diplomat who came with him this time..." Before Gu Yunbo's words were finished, the door of the box was slammed. Pushing away, a large crowd came in.

A faint light flashed in the bottom of his eyes after Mr. Ni followed.

"Shengning, get out of here."

"This is the site of our Feng family. What qualifications do you have to sit here?"

"You have a foreign surname, you really take yourself seriously."

Feng Jianxi stood in the crowd and showed a provocative expression towards Sheng Ning. On the other hand, Feng Xintong lowered his head slightly to reveal the delicate neckline, looking pitiful, as if being forced by others.

In fact, my heart is very repulsive and unwilling to make trouble.

Sheng Ning sneered inwardly, didn't pay much attention to others, and looked straight at Feng Xintong. The others are just cannon fodder, and the only master who is really hiding is Feng Xintong.

The Feng family is a hot potato to her, and she has never thought about being the so-called heir. But she felt that Feng Xintong was very upset, if she would be less proud in the future, she would consider taking over the position of heir.

Feng Xintong also felt Sheng Ning's gaze, swept it lightly with the end of his eyes, but he felt a cold snort in his heart. This time she wanted to provoke the conflict between the younger generation of the whole family and Sheng Ning. She wanted to see to what extent her grandpa would protect her.

Is it really possible to disregard all his grandchildren for her?

She is confident, and people like Grandpa will never be emotional.

The winner will only be her.

"Shengning, get out of here."

"Do you really think that if Grandpa prefers you a little bit, you are eligible to come to this kind of occasion? You don't want to pee to see what virtues you are. You can come here as a bitch?"

Before the other party had finished speaking, Sheng Ning slapped it over. Because she made a sudden move, no one expected that she would dare to provoke her when she was surrounded, which caused the woman who had just spoken to be dizzy and almost lost.

"This is a lesson for you. I will teach you how to talk in the future." Sheng Ning shook her hand indifferently. Recently, she will learn to fight with Gu Yunbo for a period of time every day. Her strength is obviously much stronger than before, and she is more comfortable with fighting people.

Her sharp eyes swept across the rest of the crowd, disdainfully sarcasm, "What? Is this the Feng family's tutor? Disregarding decent disturbances on important occasions?"

Everyone was frightened by her aura, and they didn't expect how the people who looked weak and bullied at the previous banquet changed completely, completely different from before.

Feng Xintong quietly tugged at the sleeve of the man next to him, and the other party suddenly reacted and shouted: "It doesn't matter if it is you who are decent? You are the one who is ashamed here and discredited the Feng family."

"What a joke."

"Ahhhhh...you...you dare to hit me?" The woman who had just been beaten finally reacted, touching her cheek and widening her eyes, "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Speaking, his eyes showed a strong fierce light and he slapped it out.

Gu Yunbo, who had been on guard, grabbed the woman's wrist, and then squeezed hard and heard a click, followed by a scream of the woman piercing the eardrum.

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