Because this is Monet's work, in her previous life, she had seen this report saying that it was a couple who picked it up and took it as an ordinary painter's work for 50,000 yuan.

Actually worth hundreds of millions.

Director Xing watched Sheng Ning take Monet's oil paintings, and the gratification in his eyes couldn't hide.

Because this is also the test of Mr. Sheng Ning, luck and vision. Every time Feng's global art auction is held, a genuine product will be auctioned off as an unknown work.

This has been a tradition for the Feng family for more than one hundred years. At the beginning, it was mainly a means of doing business. Later, after the Feng family was rich and wealthy, it became a symbol of a wealthy family.

Rich people often like to deliberately create stories that can be passed on as a good story.


At the end of the auction, Amber came to Shengning's box to invite him with a gentleman's style.

"Hello, noble Miss Sheng Ning."

The etiquette of a British gentleman sometimes makes you think you are a princess. Amber has always served the royal family and nobles, and he is impeccable in etiquette.

Xu Qigang swept the opponent indifferently, and gave Sheng Ning a relieved look.

"Hello!" The other party is polite, and Sheng Ning will naturally not neglect, and take the initiative to step forward.

"Our Lord Duke wants to invite you and your family to dinner tomorrow night."

Sheng Ning felt a little in his heart, always feeling that the other party was not good. But since he is the Duke of Westminster, he has no room to refuse, after all, the place where he lives is still the other party's!

"It's an honor for me and my family."

"This is the invitation, please take it away." Amber handed a pale pink hot stamped invitation to Sheng Ning, then turned and left.

She looked towards the bread compartment, there was no one inside.

"Let's go!" Xu Qigang hugged her, "Let's go home when it's late!"

"Don't you still have a task?"

"You are more important." He exhaled gently in her ear, and Sheng Ning irked hardly to look at his burning eyes.

Renault came up from downstairs and gave Shengning a big smile.

"sister in law."

"Renault." She hadn't had time to say hello to Renault just now, "How is Feng Xiaoli? How are the others?" She missed her domestic friends very much.

"It's all very good." Renault grabbed his hair embarrassedly, "Everyone misses you so much, waiting for your sister-in-law to go back quickly."

"Me too, I will go back as soon as possible." Yesterday Sheng Ning wrote another letter to Teacher Qiu Bai and asked it to be passed to Chen Huaying. I also sent a lot of things as gifts for everyone.

Xu Qigang's jealous jar was overturned again, "Let's go! My little sister will fall asleep if I don't go back, how can I cultivate feelings with my daughter."

Sheng Ning laughed and wanted to ask if he wanted to cultivate relationships with his daughter?

If he really wants to, he will go back by himself! Don't hold her, she can be like Gu Yunbo.

Renault was stunned as he watched his teacher directly carry his sister-in-law away.

Is it all possible? He learned another trick.


The lights at the door of the Victoria Theatre were shining, and Lynn was standing in the doorway, almost half blocked by the woman in front of him.

"Excuse me, is there anything wrong with you?" the little guy asked very giftedly.

Demila said embarrassedly: "I am willing to be an ordinary employee, please hire me!" Her once arrogance was gone after this period of hunger and cold.

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