May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Chapter 1556: Your nephew is here

Although the mistakes were annoying at first, the results were wonderful.

"I think I need to choose a lady." He said thoughtfully: "I can't let my son have a disgraceful birth." Although he doesn't care, the rumors from the outside world will not sound good.

He can't let his son suffer even a little bit of grievance.


Feng's Manor

There were several rows of people kneeling in the ancestral hall, and Feng Jianxi was the only one among them. Feng Jianxi disappeared after they were brought back by someone arranged by Manager Xing. In this case, some people are still very dissatisfied with Feng Jianxi and feel that he is not loyal enough.

Feng Xintong knew the real reason for Feng Jianxi's disappearance.

I'm afraid it is inseparable from Director Ni.

This time the strategy was unsuccessful, but for her it was already a success. Because Feng Jianxi lost, completely lost, huh! Annoyed grandpa, he would die miserably.

He had no chance to show up in his life, and she was missing another competitor.

And her plan to encourage everyone to work together is not bad. The law doesn't blame the others, and grandpa is furious to drive all those involved out of the family. But there are too many people involved, he can't drive all his grandchildren out, not one of them.

This is not in line with his identity.

In the end, everyone was punished to kneel at the ancestral hall. Everyone knelt on the cold marble floor, and their hatred for Shengning grew deeper and deeper. Among them, Feng Xintong would shed a few tears from time to time when he was aggrieved, and said aggrieved: "Do you think we are really surnamed Feng? How is Shengning!"


"Grandpa is too partial."

"I just can't swallow this breath."

"Huh! Don't drive her out, I write Feng in reverse."

Listening to the grievances and vicious words of those around him, Feng Xintong finally smiled with satisfaction. It doesn't matter, a temporary failure is not a failure, she first looked at Sheng Ning and smiled, just like Feng Zhenzhen before.

The higher you are now, the further you will fall.

One day, she will make Shengning pay the price and make her end even worse by Feng Zhenzhen.


Mr. Feng stood outside the ancestral hall, listening to the voice inside through the concealed door, his face was calm, not even emotional ups and downs.

Mr. Xing supported his arm and went all the way back to the bedroom. The night was already late and the husband needed a rest.

"Xiao Ni has been by my side for many years, let me go with me!" The old man said with a fierce cough, and Mr. Xing quickly handed over a handkerchief to catch it.

When he had coughed, the snow-white handkerchief was shocking red.

"Sir, your body?" Director Xing opened his eyes incredibly. He always knew that her husband's health was not very good, but he didn't expect it to be so serious.

Mr. Feng laughed at himself, "Now you know why Xiao Ni can't wait to choose a new owner, right? Because he took care of me personally, knowing that I will be alive soon and will die soon, so he is eager to find a new owner. The owner."

"Sir, you won't, you certainly won't."

"Oh! My sister, my former rivals, enemies, and mortal enemies are all dead. If I die, it won't matter." At his age, he has long looked down on everything.

"You said Sheng Ning really wants to be the owner of the house?" He already knew everything about the auction scene today, but even so, he still felt unreal.

"Yes, maybe Ms. Sheng Ning was forced to worry!"

"It should have been like this a long time ago. I have raised this group of vampires for so many years, and finally it is somewhat useful." Mr. Feng's coldness has always been carved into his bones. In his eyes, only the people he cares about, who value people, can entrust everything people.

As for family affection, if the Feng family cared about family affection, they would have died many times.

"Sir, Sheng Ning's husband is here. It seems that he has been in the U.S. for a few days and he keeps making big moves. In addition, your nephew is also here."


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