May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Chapter 1565: Leave for a few days

Sheng Ning snuggled in his arms and whispered: "I won't allow you to embarrass Lin En in the future, have you heard?"


"Don't be dissatisfied. We can find such a good son-in-law with potential. We have found a big deal. What do you want to do if you want a little sister to become a successful woman? What if you can't get married?"

Xu Qigang thought about it carefully, and found it impossible to think about it.

"My daughter, that must be a way for people to cross the threshold, how can they not get married?"

"You..." Sheng Ning didn't know how to explain to him. In the future, there will be another term called Leftover Woman.

"Anyway, you are not allowed to embarrass Lynn in the future. This is my son-in-law. If you are embarrassing him, I will never end with you."

"Good, good..." Xu Qigang can have no principles, no bottom line, and no discipline in front of his wife. Whatever the wife said, he was willing to listen.

"Can't I listen to you?"

"It's almost the same." She smiled satisfied.

"Oh! Actually, I know in my heart that this kid is our family's benefactor. When I return to the mainland, I will send him to the best military school. Since he was a child, he must be trained to become a decathlon." Xu Qigang A package of training plan has been set in my heart, and by the way, when my little brother can walk, come and train with me.

It's good that the two boys protect the little sister.

He is very satisfied.

"Yes! Thanks to Lynn." Sheng Ning's voice was lowered a lot. "By the way, there was a girl named Ada when I was arrested before. You helped me find it by the way, and it was also trafficked by Julien."

"Hmm!" He nodded, seemingly casual, but wrote it down without missing a word.

"Go to bed early! Go to see grandpa uncle tomorrow."

Xu Qigang was silent for a while, and just when Sheng Ning was about to fall asleep, he said in a dark voice: "Tomorrow I will be away for a few days after I accompany you to deal with the matter here."

"Why are you leaving?" When Sheng Ning heard that he was leaving, the mood swings were greater than expected.

She was reluctant to leave him.

Now even if he doesn't have time to follow him all the time, he still has a task, but she only needs to think that they are listening to a city. He could come to protect herself at any time, and she felt at ease.

Xu Qigang hugged her tighter, and the two hot bodies stuck together without any gap.

"Qin Yue is missing. According to the clues that Renault found, he should be in the Soviet Union now. I want to go there." It is definitely not easy to trap Qin Yue. According to his habits and way of doing things, he would definitely come to the United States the first time, but he has been here for so many days and Qin Yue hasn't come yet.

It must have happened, and he cannot come.

Simply put, either he died or he lost his freedom.

No matter which one, he must go there, and it must be as soon as possible.

"Qin Yue is missing?" Sheng Ning couldn't help exclaiming, "Does An An know?" She thought that An An slept in a room with Gu Yunbo. If she knew, she wouldn't know what she would panic like!

"I didn't dare to tell her for the time being." Xu Qigang shook his head slightly. "In fact, the news of Qin Yue's disappearance has always been suppressed. The only person I know is me, and Renault and Su Hai."

"My uncle is here too?" Sheng Ning hasn't seen Su Hai appear for so many days, and Xu Qigang didn't mention it, so she didn't know that Su Hai was also here!

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