"Why haven't you died? Obviously you hit the heart with a shot." Chen Yingjie cursed.

Xu Qigang shook his head, "Maybe his heart position is different from others."

"I had a headshot if I knew it, and I blasted half of his head to see if he could scream again."

"You go back first! I know this in my mind."

"Hmm!" Chen Yingjie turned to leave, and stopped halfway. "When will I be free? Can you not let me follow that madman?" He was personally protecting Feng Zhenzhen, almost tortured by this woman.

Just a lunatic.

He suspected that others had not killed Feng Zhenzhen, and he could not help but solve Feng Zhenzhen first.

"Don't look at me like that, I really don't judge people by appearance. Although she is really ugly."

"The day after tomorrow! I will deal with Xiao Ning's affairs tomorrow, and then you will come back to help me protect Xiao Ning and the others."

"No, I don't worry about saving Qin Yue alone."

"I'm even more worried about others protecting Xiao Ning." Xu Qigang said with a sullen face, in an irresistible tone: "This is an order."

"Yes!" Chen Yingjie did not give up, "Let Renault follow!"

"I know."


The US casino is the most chaotic city in the world. It is a city built in the desert. Although it was still in the 1980s, the gambling and entertainment industries here are already very developed.

At night, the whole city is a paradise for enjoyment and sin.

Located in the center of the city is a grand casino with a magnificent building. The first to fifth floors are all public places, and the hotel above is private places.

In the room on the top floor, a tall man is standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling glass windows and looking down at the streetscape at his feet.


"How? Is it done?" The man turned his head and put on a sunspot blindfold at the position of his right eye, which turned out to be a cyclops. This is a typical western face with a hooked nose and a deep three-dimensional outline.

The good left eye is a weird light brown, and it makes people feel gloomy when looking at people as if they are being stared at by some cold-blooded animal. He is the famous Soviet Kerberg.

This organization is named after him. It not only cooperates with the military, but also has closer ties with mercenaries and some smugglers. In other words, he is an international arms and intelligence dealer.

Semi-open, semi-standard, semi-governmental.

He does have the ability to do what he is now. However, in a game in the Soviet Union last year, he failed to capture the most important thing, which for Kerberg was simply a shame in his life.

The most important thing is that he almost lost his life. From that time, he knew the words Xu Qigang and Chen Yingjie. In order to take revenge, he also deliberately learned Mandarin, the purpose is to clearly remember the enemy's name.

Xu Qigang was the first and last one who could grab something from him.

"The bones are too hard, we have used many kinds of torture and it still has no effect."

The man slapped the table fiercely, "Then I will be tortured to death. I will use whatever method is good." He spent a great price. After dozens of people died under his hand, he arrested Qin Yue. Failure is not allowed.

"But, if you continue to torture, he will die." This man is wearing a white coat and is not only an expert in weapons research in the organization, but also has a doctorate in medicine.

He knew Qin Yue's physical condition better than anyone else.

"Sure enough, there is a kind." Kerberg looked at each other grimly, "You know, my organization doesn't keep useless people." With that, he had already pulled out an exquisite pistol from his body.

[The live broadcast winner list is finally out!撒花??ヽ(°▽°)ノ?. Thank you so much for your support and watching! First of all, congratulations to the little cuties for winning, don’t be discouraged if you haven’t won! There are a lot of activities in the future, and the prizes are also very rich! 】

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