May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Chapter 1571: Temporary diplomat

Su Hai gave a mysterious smile and said slowly, "Diplomat."

"No?" Sheng Ning's eyes widened, it is hard to imagine that a provincial official will come to be a diplomat in the future, "Then you will be a diplomat in the future?"

"Temporary." From the moment he got off the plane, Su Hai started to move non-stop. These days, he has visited the entire US Congress, the White House, the Senate, and other government agencies.

Of course, eating closed doors is inevitable.

But this didn't affect his purpose in the slightest, Su Hai had already formulated a perfect plan before he came. Playing politics is what he is best at, and he will never lose when dealing with these government officials.

And he came to carry a political bargaining chip and a large sum of wealth.

"Then are you finished?"

"It's over, otherwise I dare not come to see you!" Su Hai curled his mouth, "The embassy has been activated again, and my mission is completed. I can take you home later."

"Wait..." Xu Qigang couldn't listen anymore. "Can you two stand farther away? Even though you are Uncle Xiaoning, you still have to be careful."

Sheng Ning's face couldn't help but flushed, and Xu Qigang glaredly white, "This is my uncle, you even eat this jealousy?"

Xu Qigang looked at Su Hai sharply, "Of course."

"Oh! I, an old man, are all disgusted." Su Hai deliberately furious with Xu Qigang, took Sheng Ning's hand and said a lot of family matters. For example, Su Huaian is already engaged to Chen Huaying, and they will get married just waiting for her to return.

"Really? Really?" Sheng Ning wanted to jump up happily, "Chen Yinghua is going to marry his cousin? I know they are a good match."

"Just wait for you to go back, and the two said that if you don't go back, they won't get married."


"Ahem..." Director Xing had already greeted him with someone, but he was left alone and couldn't help coughing to attract attention.

Only then did Sheng Ning wake up from the excitement, and after three steps back, he was dragged into his arms by Xu Qigang before he could stand still.

"Mr. has been waiting for a long time, please come inside." Director Xing said respectfully.

"Thank you!" Su Hai looked around and finally fixed his eyes on Feng Zhifu, "This is Cousin Zhifu, right? Hello, I am Su Hai."

Before he came, Xu Qigang had given him all the information about the Feng family, and he didn't know how many times he had heard the old man talk about it when he was a child.

Anyway, every time I talk about it, I just gnash my teeth.

Among so many Feng family members, the only one who is not bad is Feng Zhifu in front of him. When he was young, the brothers were busy fighting inwardly, but he was obsessed with antique research, and I heard that he was still a historian. Maybe it was because he didn't get involved in the internal fight. Although Mr. Feng was not seen by Mr. Feng, he still lived to such an old age in peace.

Many of those fierce fights died in internal fights, but the biggest winner in the fights was Mr. Feng.

According to conscience, Su Hai was very shameless about Feng's cruel internal fighting method. He suddenly understood why when he was a child, the old man mentioned the Feng family's gritted teeth. What kind of dark and cruel a family that doesn't even respect family affection.


The two shook hands with each other, and Su Hai invited Feng Zhifu back to the country to play, and the latter was immediately happy when he heard it.

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