"Yes, I'm fine." Feng Zhenzhen nodded his head every word. She is not doing well, it has nothing to do with the Feng family, and she does not need the Feng family's charity.

She is very grateful to Director Xing for his help, but she is just grateful.

There is no other.

To Director Xing, she did not hate, let alone love.

This is a person who is only loyal to the Feng family and is always indifferent to other people. His blood is cold, even if there is residual warmth in his heart, the residual warmth is only enough to keep him alive.

He now sympathizes with himself, but it is because he almost became the owner of the family, and the inertia of so many years will not change for a while.

Director Xing saw the monstrous hatred in her eyes.

He suddenly regretted that he was weak at the time. The child had fallen into hell, but he was still thinking that she would be better in the future. Just ask, can someone who crawled out of **** be okay?

There can only be demons in hell, no angels.

"Take care." According to the original plan, Director Xing jumped out a check from his body. This is the latest exchange method on Wall Street. If you get this check, you can go directly to JPMorgan Chase to talk to cash.

"No need." Feng Zhenzhen stood up blankly. In fact, she was wearing a mask, even if she had any expression on it, no one could see it.

"Thank you." She took two steps out and stopped again, "I want to ask you, Feng Xintong personally released Qin Cuifen and asked her to burn me?"

Although she had checked it out, Xu Qigang also gave enough evidence. But she still wanted to listen to Director Xing personally, it seemed that she couldn't give up.

Manager Xing was stunned for a while, before he said: "I don't know." He would never violate what the husband ordered. If the husband wants to cover Feng Xintong, he can only cover it.

"Huh! That's ridiculous." Feng Zhenzhen sneered, only feeling that his whole body was chilling from head to toe, from the bones to the blood. As cold as falling in an ice cellar.

What she hates is not the cruelty of the Feng family, but the Feng family's attitude. Because this was known since she was a child, she grew up in a cruel environment, so the wind went smoothly, but she did not do bad things less.

So she can understand.

What she hates is that Feng Xintong, a bastard, can reach such a high status as it is today.

I can also enter the eyes of Grandpa, and I can jump above other people. Sure enough... my own experience will only make Grandpa look at her with admiration.

Thinking of this, she rushed out quickly.

She was suddenly very lucky, but fortunately Xu Qigang had come, otherwise she would not be able to turn over in this life.

"What? Find out that I am not Feng Xintong's opponent?" Chen Yingjie chased him up and said sarcastically: "Feng Xintong now has Mr. Feng's shelter, it is tantamount to a copper wall and an iron wall. You can't help it."

Feng Zhenzhen stopped abruptly, and sneered: "I can't do it, can Xu Qigang can't do it? Shengning can't do it? You want me, don't you want me to become a sword in Shengning's hands?"

Chen Yingjie was speechless, he was actually not good at dealing with girls. Especially Feng Zhenzhen, who is already gloomy, Chen Yingjie is a sunny, optimistic, and determined person.

He prefers life in the army, playing with his friendly brothers.

"You can refuse." He said hesitated for a while.

"Why should I refuse? This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. I will seize it and maximize my value." In this life, she has only one goal.

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