May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Chapter 1588: I can not let it go

Now she believes that he really did it. Thinking of the new pose he unlocked, her earlobes were red.

"Hello!" Amber took the initiative to come forward to say hello.

Daves also faded from the gangsteriness he had before, and said respectfully: "Please allow me to introduce, this is our honorable Lord Duke of Westminster, and this is my partner, Miss Sheng Ning. This is her husband, Mr. Xu Qigang, and this is their baby..."

Daves gave a very detailed introduction. Among them, Amber was in charge of etiquette in the middle. He thought it was an ordinary meeting, which actually gave Sheng Ning the illusion of seeing the European royal family.

"This is..." Daves couldn't help stopping when he finally introduced Lynn.

Because Lynn looked at the Lord Duke dumbfoundedly, and Lord Duke looked straight at Lynn.

If Shengning still couldn't find the clues at this time, it would be too stupid. She looked at the two people's identical eyes, half leaning against Xu Qigang's arms, her eyes were red.

"What's the matter?" He coaxed softly: "Why are you crying?"

"I can't bear it." She had treated Lynn as her own child, her precious son-in-law. She has to develop it! This is all gone. When the little sister grows up, how can she confess to her?

Said that there was once the best boy but was snatched away by a golden retriever who suddenly appeared?

The most important thing is that they have shared adversities, supported each other, trusted and encouraged each other in adversity and setbacks. She had already made plans to take Lynn back to China, how could she be willing to leave him.

"Who are you?" Lynn asked in standard English.

"I am your father." Lord Duke was extremely sincere.

He is such a character. The proud and noble Westminster family has always been the most graceful gentleman, possessing the highest chivalry spirit.

This is their most glorious side. As for the dark side, please ignore it! No one has no dark side, he only hopes that his children have only the bright side in their eyes.

When Lynn was just four years old, he also imagined that he had a tall father. Especially when his uncle appeared, his eyes looked at his little brother so that he envied him.

His petting little sister is so selfless.

All this is very eager to have a father. But the grandmother said that his father had long since disappeared and had gone far, far away.

"Grandma said, my father went to a place far, far away." The little guy shook his fingers and seemed to be calculating how far it was, and finally said, "It's probably as far away as the kingdom of heaven."

Amber couldn't help crying, "Little Master, you have suffered."

Lynn turned a deaf ear, he stubbornly looked at the Lord Duke in front of him, looking at his eyes that were exactly the same as himself. These eyes made him feel kind, and the other person's smile made him feel warm.

"Sorry for being late, can you accept me?" Lord Duke looked at him sincerely. This is his son, the son who made him feel proud at first glance.

The powerful genes of the Westminster family are perfectly embodied in him.

The things the child has experienced since childhood and his calm performance now make him very satisfied.

Lynn tilted his head for a moment, then looked at Shengning again. There was confusion, reluctance and confusion in his eyes. "If I have a father, can't I grow up with my aunt and little sister?" he asked anxiously.

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