No matter how many weird conspiracies are behind him, he can support it.

"Then I will accept it."

When the box opened, it turned out to be an exquisite knight medal. Daves's eyes were hot. This was what he wanted in his dreams.

The Knight Medal given by the Lord Duke himself can enjoy privileges throughout England and the Westminster family's industry.

Sheng Ning didn't know the Knight Medal. He just thought it was pretty and it didn't look very expensive, so he felt relieved.

At the beginning of the dinner, the two little babies were taken care of by a special person. Lynn didn't like to keep listening to the adults talking and just watch the little ones play. At the table, the Duke sat alone as the master.

Sheng Ning and Xu Qigang are sitting on the left and right, but Daves and Amber are real.

"I respect you." The Lord Duke took a goblet and drank it.

"Thank you."

Exquisite Western food Xu Qigang and Sheng Ning don't like it much, but the steak is cooked well, tender and juicy. Xu Qigang calmly ordered two copies, and Sheng Ning blinked at him mischievously.

When it was almost time to eat, Sheng Ning said, "Master Duke, we only came to your dinner invitation and didn't know about Lynn. We came mainly because of the Victoria Theatre."

After she finished speaking, her eyes swept over Daves, and he added in the look of his expectation: "There is also about Daves. I have been taking care of him before and promised that he will serve him."

Daves almost danced with excitement, and the master would definitely value him more.

"Yeah! These are what Daves should do." Obviously, Lord Duke didn't take this kindness in his eyes.

"This is what I want to say. I can't help Daves later. If you and Mr. Daves want compensation, you can also bring it up." This is the credibility of being a person, whether it is Daves or the Lord Duke who came to her. Said it is a boost.

If you want to be on an equal footing with each other in the future, without being restrained by others and still cooperating with each other, you must make it clear now.

"We are friends, don't say these things."

"Friend!" She smiled at the thought of the friendship she had just accepted. Stand up and bow to Daves: "Mr. Daves, thank you again.:"

"You're polite." Daves actually got more benefits than Sheng Ning did for him.

What else can be more important than the little master.

"The second thing is that the Victoria Theatre is where I am interested, and I also want to build the theatre into a world-class art palace."

The duke's blue eyes finally showed a trace of mood swings. "This is very good. Our family has always valued art."

Sheng Ning was slightly disappointed in her heart. The possibility that she wanted to buy the Victoria Theatre was gone.

"I can sell the theater."


Sheng Ning's eyes widened in astonishment, didn't he say that he was very important?

The Lord Duke looked at Lynn, who was with his little sister, and smiled with an upside-down smile, "Take it as a token of love for our Westminster family."

"This..." This token of love is too big.

Xu Qigang had already finished eating. One was a general who was marching and fighting, and the other was a handsome gentleman. You can never eat together. He was observing the surrounding areas, making various guesses in his heart. After hearing the words of Lord Duke, he stood up abruptly.

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