May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Chapter 1594: An An goes to rescue Qin Yue

There was a bad feeling at the time, but An An was very obedient and well-behaved.

She promised that she would return home.

"She left with her things in the evening, saying that she had returned home, I thought you knew it." Because An An came suddenly, she must have her own way when she left, and Gu Yunbo didn't care.

"She didn't return to China, she went to the casino." Sheng Ning's heart was cold, and she never expected that An An would do such a rash thing.

"Go to the casino?" Gu Yunbo calmed her. "Why is she going to the casino?"

"Save people, Qin Yue was caught in the casino." Gu Yunbo has been busy with his own affairs these days, so she doesn't know many things because he is absent during the day.

"You are talking about the son of the commander of the Southern Military Region, the little gangster Qin Yue?" Gu Yunbo almost thought he had heard him wrong, "How did he come back? Are you kidding me?"

"No, he was here to find An An, and an accident happened on the way." Sheng Ning didn't want to say too much. She had to inform Qi Gang as soon as possible and must bring An An back.

"Inform Qigang, he should be too late to leave."

Sheng Ning knew that he lived in the position of someone left by him, and if he went out of the room and knocked on the door with the Morse code that he had communicated before, knocking on the door hadn’t waited for anyone to show up at the door.

Gu Yunbo stepped down to open the door before her. He was a strange man, and when he saw Sheng Ning, he saluted him.

"sister in law."

"Hello! Are your teachers here?"

"The teacher has already left. He said he asked me to tell you that he would help you bring An An back."

It seems that Xu Qigang already knows about An An's disappearance, "Okay! Thank you, thank you..." No matter what she said, her heart was like a big rock and couldn't let it go.

"Goodbye sister-in-law." After the informant left, Sheng Ning stood there for a long time without moving.

"Are you okay?" Gu Yunbo reproached himself: "I knew I would stop you today."

"It's not you to blame." Sheng Ning wiped her face, her tentacles were cold tears. "I can only blame me, because I don't care enough about An An."

"How can I blame you, you are not Superman who knows everything."

Su Hai currently lives in the embassy. It is late at night in the United States and daytime in China. Since the embassy was renewed to the outside world, all telephone communications have been opened up.

It took him a lot of energy to achieve this situation.

Tonight he hosted a banquet in the embassy for a few well-connected members of Congress, and it did not end until late at night. He stood at the door to send people away, and the soldiers of the special forces hurried over.

"what happened?"

"Our teacher is already on his way to the casino."

"I know." Su Hai raised his eyebrows, turned around and walked in and said, "Did something happen?"

"Sheng'an is not worried about Head Qin, he has gone to the casino alone."

The other party's words caused Su Hai to stop suddenly, his calm and calm voice changed, "What did you say? You say it again?"

"Uh... Didn't you hear clearly?"

Su Hai's face was gloomy, he heard clearly, but he couldn't accept it. Others don't know, he actually knows the situation best. An'an is more important to the country than anyone else.

The Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Weapons Research Institute will not rest assured that she will be placed in the United States in any case, and they are more worried that she will be targeted by criminals in the world, so this time they have arranged three special police bodyguards to take charge of her safety.

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