May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Chapter 1599: Shengjia sisters

Northern Military Region, 39th Division

Qin Xue also got the news, it was from the family. She once again questioned her professional and military qualities. It was clear that she was in charge of intelligence, but she had been kept in the dark.

She didn't know that the little brother crossed the border secretly. The news of the incident was passed from the Northern Military Region to the Southern Military Region, and then transferred from the Southern Military Region.

Although it was only a few hours, the pride she had always had had a huge impact.

She was so energetic on the battlefield of southern Xinjiang, she was excellent since she was a child.

"Look at the good things you did." An old voice came from the phone, "Qin Xue, how much I expected of you before, I am so disappointed now. You are not even optimistic about your brother, what else can you do?"

The call was made by the person in charge of the Qin family, and Father Qin personally called.

"Sorry grandpa."

"Forget it." Old man Qin sighed, "You come back! Don't stay in the Northern Military Region anymore."

"No way, grandpa, I must rescue Xiao Yue." Qin Xue firmly grasped the phone, her eyes bursting with a strong light. She couldn't just give up like that, she would get up wherever she fell.

She has never failed in her thirty years of life, and she never allows herself to be so incompetent. She couldn't stand the ridicule and contempt in the back. She didn't want people to stab her backbone, because the previous scenery was completely dependent on the power of the Qin family.

Once in the Northern Military District, it is a waste.

"Your father is over, come back!" Old Qin said softly.

After all, it was his eldest granddaughter, whom he had placed high hopes for since he was a child.

"The more this happens, the less I can go back. I have to stay and help my father, otherwise he doesn't know the Northern Military District."

Qin Yue knows that Mr. Qin has been stubborn. She is determined not to go back. She has no choice but to sigh and exhort: "Forget it, you can do it for yourself. It has nothing to do with our Qin family if you cause trouble in the future. "

After speaking, he hung up.

Qin Xue's hand holding the phone froze in mid-air. She looked at the phone stupidly, imagining how grandpa looked, and then moistened her eyes unconsciously.

She has never disappointed her family since she was a child, nor has she disappointed her grandfather and father.

But what happened to her now?

Why would she be so useless?

Compared to a broken relationship, compared to not getting a beloved man, she can't accept her failure.

The phone rang again, this time it was Qin Shuang.

"Hello? Big sister."

"I'm here." She pursed her lips, and said as calmly as possible: "You said it."

"I heard something happened to my brother?"

"No, don't listen to others talking nonsense."

"That's good, that's good." Qin Shuang was obviously relieved. "Fortunately, it's not true. If you let Mom know, I might be crazy."


"I told you that you let my brother stay away from Shengning and her sister. I said that neither of them is a good thing. Don't think that if you have the Hai Family and Su Family as a backer, you can be lawless, even if this way our Qin Family is not afraid of them ."

Qin Xue frowned and said impatiently: "Okay, don't say I hang up."

This time the call wasn't hung up, but she fell directly to the ground.

"Huh! Sister Sheng family, right?" She snorted coldly, "If it weren't for Sheng Ning and Sheng An, how could something happen to my brother? How could he not know his life or death?"

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