May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Chapter 1601: You just want revenge

This drew her enthusiasm a little, and she fought Chen Yingjie without distinction. More than a dozen confluences did not fail at all.

Sheng Ning watched the wonderful play of the two of them, and sat on the ground admiring it.

The master's tricks are pleasing to the eye. It turns out that Gu Yunbo had been playing with herself before, and she would definitely not be able to pass the ten tricks under her hands.

Her cheeks were pink and tender, and her forehead was gleaming in the morning sun with fine beads of sweat.

Suddenly, she felt the intense attention behind her, and she suddenly turned her head to see Feng Zhenzhen, dressed in black and wearing a white mask, looking at herself.

Sheng Ning got up from the ground.

"Are you a gift from my husband?" She looked at Feng Zhenzhen, and when the King of Living Hades told her last night, she had a guess.

Feng Zhenzhen has always been in her plan, and she knows that the best candidate to deal with Feng Xintong is Feng Zhenzhen. As long as she is not dead, she is the sharpest sword.

Unfortunately, I haven't had the energy to do this.

This is the most satisfying gift she has received.

"We met again." Feng Zhenzhen's voice was hoarse and unpleasant, and even the two people who were fighting stopped.

Chen Yingjie and Gu Yunbo stood right behind Sheng Ning.

Feng Zhenzhen lowered his eyes slightly when he saw Chen Yingjie's subconscious movements. This heart that had long been swallowed by darkness still couldn't help but throb.

"Is this Feng Zhenzhen?" Gu Yunbo's mind turned quickly, "You brought it?"

Chen Yingjie nodded.

"Let's go down and talk?"

"Good!" Feng Zhenzhen looked away from Chen Yingjie.

"Please over here."

From the top of the building to the downstairs, the four people found a four-person sofa and sat down. Feng Zhenzhen still chose to sit in the corner. Even the morning sun couldn't drive away the haze on her body.

Sheng Ning thought of her appearance when she first saw Feng Zhenzhen.

The eyebrows are flying, and the pride is like the scorching sun.

"Unexpectedly, we will have a day of cooperation." Feng Zhenzhen's voice is hoarse, but his eyes are still calm. "The deal between me and Xu Qigang, he promised to let me take revenge."

"Do you just want revenge?" Sheng Ning tapped his fingers on the table, her tone indifferent.

Gu Yunbo and Chen Yingjie looked at each other at the same time, secretly startled.

Gu Yunbo also knew Chen Yingjie before he went abroad, but he was not very familiar with it. At that time, he was with Xu Qigang all day, and she was in contact with Meng Fan anyway.

It's the kind of meeting and nodding.

Chen Yingjie was more surprised than Gu Yunbo, because the sister-in-law he knew was not such a person. But even the teacher has changed, and it is normal for the sister-in-law to change.

Does my sister-in-law care about Feng's wealth? Would she be greedy for such power and wealth, and would not want to return to China? What if she doesn't return to the teacher's home country?

This thought made Chen Yingjie cold all over, and quietly decided in his heart that he must be optimistic.

"Sure enough." Feng Zhenzhen sneered. "Are you afraid that I will steal your position as the heir of the Feng family?"

"Can you grab it? Do you have the ability to grab it?" Sheng Ning doesn't care if her words can hurt Feng Zhenzhen's self-esteem. If her self-esteem is hurt so easily in this case, then she would rather choose not to. gift.

However, since the King of Living Hades values ​​her, he must not let himself down.

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