May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Chapter 1604: Hard to convince

"Miss Xin Tong." Director Xing's voice sounded in his ears, Feng Xintong suddenly returned to his senses, a layer of cold sweat on his forehead.

"what are you thinking?"

"It's nothing." Feng Xintong smiled shyly, "It's just that I never thought that there would be a chance for Director Xing to pour water yourself. Thank you so much."

"It's a lot of effort." Manager Xing looked calm, "It is my bounden duty to serve the head of the family."

And pouring you Feng Xintong water is just a matter of ease. I don't want you to be too embarrassed to follow. So far Manager Xing doesn't agree with the decision to let Feng Xintong follow Shengning.

The Feng family couldn't count the number of people who died in internal fighting for so many years, and the second generation almost died and injured. There are not a few who have been folded for three generations. The Feng family now really can't stand the cruel internal fighting.

I really don't know what the husband is thinking about, and he has clearly identified Miss Sheng Ning, so why bother to arrange the chess piece of Miss Xin Tong.

"Oh!" Manager Xing's answer is hard not to hurt Feng Xintong, especially her self-esteem is higher than the average person.

"Ms. Sheng Ning, you can rest a lot when you are tired. Anyway, there is time."

Sheng Ning shook her sore wrist, "I don't have much time."

"Well, if there is anything you don't understand, leave it to Miss Xin Tong to sort out the information or turn pages. I'll go ahead and work."

"it is good!"

After Director Xing left, Feng Xintong no longer wanted to sit on a chair like a fool, seeing that his own property became hers with Sheng Ning's signature.

She walked to the window and looked down at the view of Manhattan. The Wall Street building next door towered into the sky. Standing high can you see far, watching everything in front of her gave her the pleasure of standing on the pinnacle of power and stepping on the shoulders of enemies.

At some point, the rustle of signing in the room disappeared, and Feng Xintong looked back and found in horror that Sheng Ning was looking at her with his arms folded.

She seemed to be smiling and not smiling, as if everything was winning, making her nauseous.

"Why? Do you want to start playing the patronage before you become the Patriarch?" Feng Xintong said unwillingly.

"Even if I play prestige, you have no chance to watch it." Sheng Ning spread his hands, "Really, I really want to save your life, because only in this way can you know what it's like to be stepped on by the owner of the house."

"The beauty you think." Feng Xintong trembled angrily. "Why did you deliberately target me? What did I do wrong?" She was puzzled. She knew that Sheng Ning didn't like her from the first meeting.

It is obvious that her cover-up is so successful, why can't she deceive her?

"Your disguise can deceive anyone, but it can't deceive me."

"You are so vicious. If you really let you become the head of the family, then we Feng family members will definitely be killed by you. For the Feng family, for the sake of everyone's life, I will definitely stop it." Feng Xintong said Justice is awe-inspiring.

"Your vicious plan will never succeed."

"I finally understand what bloodshot is. You said my plan is vicious, what about you? You let Qin Cuifen go and nearly burned Feng Zhenzhen to death. How do you explain?"

"You...what are you talking about? Why don't I understand?" Feng Xintong was exposed to the deepest secret in his heart, and subconsciously took a step back. Only after retiring did I realize it was wrong.

Why is she so useless?

In fact, grandpa already knew what she did, but grandpa didn’t pursue it, so what else is she afraid of?

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