There is a glass room behind the main building of the manor, which is used to close the scenery. The furniture of Huanghuali is placed inside, the style is simple and the color is full.

The purple sand teapot was being soaked in the best Dahongpao. After putting down the phone, Mr. Feng picked up the delicate cup and drank the tea in the cup.

He looked at the man in front of him and frowned slightly.

"Uncle, what are you looking at?" Su Hai asked with a smile.

"Jealous." The old gentleman said angrily. He obviously has many sons and daughters, but more grandchildren and granddaughters. Why didn't any one get on the stage?

This nephew didn't know what it meant to respect the old and love the young at all, and his quick uncle didn't have any weight in his eyes. It’s fine if I didn’t come to see him in the first time when I came to the United States. I wanted to find him to be a guest at home.

"It's time for our old man when he was young to say that everything in the Feng family is retribution, and you are looking for it." Ningning is not there, and Su Hai can give full play to his poisonous tongue.

"The old man hates things about the Feng family so much. I didn't even tell Ningning. Guess what would happen to her if I did?"

"You little fox, count you cruel!" Mr. Feng conceded.

"Uncle, you really don't have to trap me here. Ningning and your mixed-race granddaughter will not interfere if I told you that if you don't interfere." Su Hai said helplessly.

"You will have credibility at all?" Mr. Feng is so sophisticated, he knew at a glance what kind of person Su Hai was.

If he believed it, then he would have lived in vain for so many years.

He didn't want to be posed by a junior before he died.

"You have shrunk me like my mother, how can I not have credibility?" Su Hai looked insulted.

"Actually...My sister is also a person with no credibility at all. Otherwise, there will be you bastards?" My sister promised him to come to the U.S. together. What happened?

When he boarded the boat, he regretted it. When he realized that everything was too late, the boat had already left. He could only watch his sister stay in the country.

"Hahaha..." Su Hai smirked and said shamelessly: "You really don't have to worry about me intervening. I am 100% assured of Ningning that your granddaughter will never see the sun the next day."

"So confident?"

"I still have confidence that Ningning will be able to bring your urn back to the mainland during the Spring Festival."

"..." Fortunately, this nephew was too late to recognize each other, otherwise he would never live such an old age.

"I'm leaving, uncle." Su Hai couldn't wait to go back to tease the little brother and sister. Feelings must start with the baby, but he is a master of the baby.

"Wait..." Mr. Feng still didn't want to let go.

"Uncle, do you think you can keep Aunt Feng by keeping me?" Su Hai's understatement made Mr. Feng's pupils shrink slightly.

"I said you are an old man, you really know how to do it." Su Hai stretched out, picked up the mixed-color plaid long coat on the back of the chair, and put it on gracefully.

This dress was bought in the U.S., and its style and texture are much better than domestic ones. Especially when it is worn on Su Hai, it perfectly shows his aura, whether it is walking on the street, or going in and out of the Capitol, it is scary to turn around.

"Aunt Feng, we will keep her forever, so don't worry!" Su Hai smiled and greeted Mr. Feng.

"When did you know about it?" Mr. Feng asked.

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