May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Chapter 1615: Confront each other

"Come here."

The white bodyguard was taken aback, but she didn't expect her to be so calm.

"If you don't want to die, hurry up."


The white bodyguard quickly went to An'an and hid it. In less than a minute, a large number of people rushed in. The bodyguards who had escaped with the boss were all shot and killed by bullets, but the boss was caught in blood.

Dozens of people passed in front of the two, leading all the way upstairs.

"Ah..." The white bodyguard was about to rush out, but was held down by An An. "You calm me down, are you rushing out now to kill me?"


"You shut up." At this time, she didn't look at her at all. She looked around with her jet-black eyes, and all the wind and grass couldn't escape her eyes and ears.

Powerful computing power has already calculated the most perfect rescue plan in his mind.

These people who just came are obviously Kerberg's helpers, and the few people brought by the brother-in-law are bound to suffer. No, she can't wait here so useless, the little gangster is still waiting for her.

Brother-in-law must have nothing to do.

"My name is David, you...who are you?" David also found the girl in front of him very unusual at the moment, at least he had never seen a girl calmer than her. Moreover, their hiding position perfectly avoided the opponent's guard range, and at the same time they could observe the enemy's every move.

Gosh! This discovery made him stare.

Is she an angel?


"You are definitely not a student, are you an FBI agent?" David's blue eyes were full of admiration and excitement.

"Shut up!" An An didn't want to pay attention to him, got up and followed.

"Wait for me!" David hurriedly followed, but was held down by her, and whispered a warning: "Follow my footsteps."

"Yes, I understand."


The confrontation on the top floor has been ten minutes, and Kerberg was held by a gun, which made him very unhappy.

"Living Hades, the second time." He said grimly: "You are so kind, you are waiting for me to kill your family."

"Shut up for me." The soldier holding the gun against Kerberg slapped his hand and hit him dizzy and turned to the corner of his mouth with a trace of blood.

The confrontational subordinates of Kerberg stared at the sight of their boss being beaten. The hands holding the gun began to tremble faintly.

It's over, it's over!

The boss was beaten and all of them had to be buried with him.

Kerberg wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and said nonchalantly: "Slap me and I will kill your daughter, and slap me twice and I will kill your son. Oh, yes, I heard that you love your wife very much. Hahaha...I just missed a venting plaything. Your wife is a good-looking, just right."

Reynolds and the others were eager to split, and they wanted to rush up to sieve Kerberg.

Xu Qigang stood tall and straight, the gun in his hand was still steady, and his handsome face showed no fluctuations. God knows that the killing intent in the deepest part of his pupils is already shining coldly, and it is surging crazily.

From the first time he fought Kerberg in the Soviet Union, he knew that this man had to be eliminated. In addition to endless troubles, he is a total lunatic, and only by killing him can he avoid troubles.

Kerberg shook his head disappointedly, "It seems that you don't care about your family very much! It doesn't matter, you don't care about your wife and I care about it. I will treat her well, love her well, and let her give me more children. I I like twins too!"

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