May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Chapter 1623: Mr. Understanding

"Uncle Grandpa, I will help you take care of the Feng family until there are enough good people in the Feng family." Sheng Ning took Mr. Feng's hand and clearly noticed that his body temperature was gradually disappearing and slowly becoming Icy.

Since the two have known each other, they have been fighting for a long time. Located in this old man, she has had dissatisfaction, unhappy and rejection. When these are enough to be offset by gratitude.

He helped her.

He trusted her.

He still admires her.

These are enough.

"Patriarch, it's a pity that you didn't see the last face of your husband, and he still has very important last words to tell you." This is a very important thing. The core secret of the Feng family is only passed on by word of mouth to the heirs.

The husband did not have time to say that this was a great loss for the Feng family and Shengning.

"It's ok."

"But..." Director Xing wanted to say something, but Sheng Ning's eyes swept, and he was shocked and quickly shut his mouth.

Just now, Sheng Ning's appearance completely coincided with her husband's appearance.

"Manager Xing has worked hard for you, let's hold a funeral for your uncle and grandpa! Also, hold a family meeting."

"Yes!" Hearing that a family meeting was held, Manager Xing immediately waited solemnly.

Next, is the most critical moment.

"Chen Yingjie is here."

"Come in."

The door was pushed open, Chen Yingjie strode in, glanced at Mr. Feng on the bed and blinked.

"Sister-in-law, are you okay? I heard that a bear kid bit you?"

"It's okay." Sheng Ning smiled towards Chen Yingjie, "Where is she?"

"On the first floor." When he came up, there were already people gathering underneath, and Chen Yingjie put Feng Zhenzhen underneath.

After half an hour, everyone in the Feng family gathered in the hall, and all the descendants of the direct descendants were sitting, and the mixed race could only stand where they were not. Bodyguards were all around, blocking all exits.

There is also another area for senior management like Director Xing and Director Xiao Ni.

Sheng Ning stepped down from the second floor, followed by Director Xing and Yingjie Chen. The hall that was originally noisy suddenly fell into a weird silence with her appearance.

When he was upstairs, Mr. Xing repeatedly asked Sheng Ning to change his clothes. This is what Mr. Feng has prepared long ago. The black stand-up collar suit looks a bit like a Chinese tunic suit, but it is very different from the Chinese tunic suit.

The ladies' tailoring shows the lines very well. The shape of a stand-up collar, a white handkerchief in her breast pocket, and wearing this outfit, when she is unsmiling, gives her a sense of indifference and dominance that is thousands of miles away.

The red lips were pursed slightly, and the sharp eyes were swept away, full of aggression.

The bottom was completely plunged into a quiet road, and everyone looked at her nervously. Those who hadn't put her in their eyes before suddenly realized that the people they looked down upon were perhaps the most unprovoked.

Those who wanted to wait for Mr. Feng to kill her after her death could not help but retreat.

"I, Sheng Ning, will be your new Patriarch from now on." Sheng Ning said in a deep voice, each and every sentence sonorously and loudly. "From now on, everything about the Feng family, listen to me."

"..." There was a strange silence underneath.

Mr. Xing was very pleased, Miss Sheng Ning gave him a huge surprise and made him once again convinced by her husband's vision.

The man he admires most in his life is his husband, because his vision of people never goes wrong.

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