May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Chapter 1733: The steel king goes bankrupt

"I'm sorry that the army arranged for me to study abroad." Sheng Ning made up the reason according to the previous reason. This is how she and An An were aligned in advance. An An asked her to confess to her family when she first returned from the United States.

"Really?" With Zhao Lanzhi's cleverness, how could he believe it, but it doesn't matter what the reason is after the matter has passed. The important thing is that the daughter-in-law did not die, as long as the daughter-in-law did not die, her son would not die.

She was relieved.

"Mom, I just came back from abroad. I will go back to see you when this time is over." Sheng Ning said all kinds of good things on the phone, coaxing her parents-in-law to smile, "Mom, you are a grandmother."

"Boys and girls?"

"A boy and a girl can walk on both sides! I'll take it home after a few days."

Lanzhi Zhao jumped up happily, which was an unexpected surprise. Humph! She's going to beat up those long-tongued women who chewed their tongues and cursed her son and daughter-in-law.

To prevent the woman with a long tongue from knowing how good she is, she wrote three words upside down, Zhao Lanzhi.

It took nearly an hour for the phone call to end. The two elderly people babbled and asked a lot of questions. Although they were all short in their parents, Sheng Ning also answered patiently over and over again.

After the call was hung up, Xu Xianxiong didn't need to confess that Xu Yingshan would automatically move all the firecrackers out of his commissary, and let them crackle for nearly an hour.

The voice and the formation of the people in the eight villages have heard it, and the people in the whole village have been tortured by the old **** Xu Xianxiong and have lost their temper. Knowing that their family didn't dare to go out to watch when they set off firecrackers, but they didn't want to go out to watch and were afraid that they would come the next day.

"Eat candy, eat candy..." Zhao Lanzhi knew that she had grandchildren and granddaughters, and she couldn't close her happy mouth. I took out all the fruit candies from the canteen and scattered them from house to house.

The neighbors all had damned expressions, for fear that Zhao Lanzhi had something wrong.


The morning of the first day of the new year was a special issue of Next Weekly. I thought there was no big news, but the report caused an uproar.

"The King of Northwest Steel went bankrupt overnight."

"How did the steel king become the beggar king."

Two huge headlines are shown in bold and red.

Through the development of this year, Next Magazine has become the top of the industry. Big news like this is never reported wrong. Even some professional newspapers can't match it. People as strict as Su Huaian have subscribed to Next Weekly.

On the dinner table in the morning, Sheng Ning was feeding the two little babies some digestible egg custard.

Su Huaian looked at the magazine and exclaimed, "The steel king is bankrupt? Unbelievable."

Su Jiang added, "Huh! What about the son-in-law Shen Ming when he goes bankrupt?"

"Cold salad." Su Hai said lightly, and stretched out his thumb to Sheng Ning secretly in praise.

Sheng Ning's expression was flat, calculating in his heart exactly ten days. Sure enough, she didn't read the wrong person. Ji Letian is really good at letting him do these things. In the future, he can be a person who can be in charge of Xing.

Just after breakfast, Sheng Ning was busy unpacking, and she brought back many gifts. I've been in a hurry before, and I haven't had time to sort it out. I have nothing to do today, just to take advantage of the New Year to send it out.

As a result, people came to pay a New Year greeting in less than half an hour. Elder Su's former comrades-in-arms have many subordinates, and there are also many Su Jiang, so many come to visit during the Chinese New Year, and he will not give out any valuable things such as rural local products.

"Someone came to visit on New Year's Day?" Su Hai frowned. He was not interested in the gifts Ning Ning bought. When he was about to go out, he saw Meng Ping come in with Xu Mo in the most fashionable down jackets.

He stood on the doorstep, curled his lips and smiled.

"Uncle." Meng Ping greeted enthusiastically with a thick-skinned man.

Su Hai couldn't help his mouth twitching, "Why didn't you call the cheap uncle? And Su Yun was swept out by your laozi. I am not even the cheap uncle now.


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