The atmosphere in the living room was a bit stagnant, everyone watched the two chatting, and Meng Ping could not wait to go up and choke Xu Mo to death. This idiot didn't bring him to steal his limelight. He was really unscrupulous.

Ningning was busy chatting with him without even looking at herself.

Su Hai is still standing at the door! It was cold in the north, but he didn't wear much. He didn't feel cold when he stood at the door and looked at the situation in the house. Instead, he mocked Meng Ping silently.

Meng Ping picked up the orange on the table and smashed it. What's so funny about the dead fox?

Su Hai escaped easily, orange wiped his sleeves and flew past, falling on the steps and rolling into the snow. The cheap nephew hit him with an orange, and he was not angry, but smiled at Meng Ping meaningfully.

Secretary Sun also came out with a huge suitcase at this time, waiting under the steps.

"I'm leaving." Su Hai waved his hand to Sheng Ning, and took Sun Gu to leave without looking back.

"Where will my uncle go for the New Year?" Sheng Ning called Xu Mo to sit down, and asked Su Jiang puzzledly.

"Going back to Province N. He went to the United States for a temporary transfer. Now that the task is completed, he must return to Province N."

"But can't you go there after the third day of the New Year?" Sheng Ning frowned, she was a little reluctant to leave Su Hai. This is something she has always been terrified of and hates her dependent relatives now.

Living Hades has not returned yet, so she will feel particularly safe with Su Hai.

"No way, there are too many things after going out for such a long time. He estimated that he won't be back in half a year." Su Jiang shrugged and looked a little helpless. The guard who had just finished speaking also came downstairs. He carried the Xingjun bag on his back, and carried another in his hand. It seemed that they belonged to two people.

Sheng Ning was a little disappointed, but at the same time she felt that she was useless. Take a deep breath and suppress the thought of wanting to rely on others. She is now the head of the Feng family and cannot rely on others.

"It's ready, and the car is waiting outside." The guard said respectfully.

Sheng Ning realized that her uncle was leaving too. She put the two babies down and pulled Su Jiang's sleeves, "Uncle, do you want to return to the army?"

"Of course." Su Jiang looked at this niece more and more satisfied, no wonder the old man liked it so much when he was alive, "I have more things than Xiaohai." In fact, the Southern Military Region has urged many times because he has been relying on him. The Northern Military Region did not go back, and the No. 1 ** didn't know how many times the table was shot or the teacup was dropped.

If he does not go back, a punishment is indispensable.

"I ate the New Year's Eve dinner last night, and I have to go back today."

"You are all gone? Then what should I do?" When a person has never received such affection, a person will be accustomed to being alone. But once the excitement is over, it will be doubled.

"I! Ningning, you still have me!" Meng Ping, who has been ignored all the time, cheeked up to find his presence. His handsome face was serious, and his charming eyes looked at you with special affection, like you Is the one he loves most.

Sheng Ning shook his head and decided not to see Meng Ping. This person is unintentional, even if he has the intention, he will only give Feng Xintong? Unfortunately, Feng Xintong is dead, and he will never meet Feng Xintong again in the future.

This thought came up, giving Sheng Ning a kind of gloat in her heart, and there was a hint of sympathy in Meng Ping's eyes.

"Why are you looking at me with this look?" Meng Ping was puzzled, grabbing Sheng Ning's wrist, pressing his hot palm against Sheng Ning's soft and smooth skin, bringing up bursts of numbness and secret desires.

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