Feng's momentum is very strong, and the influence is big enough, it is not impossible to bankrupt the steel king. If Feng Zhenzhen said half a year, he would believe it 100%.

But she was talking about ten days.

Ten days is nothing short of a fantasy. He said that he could hear everyone's ridicule.

Ji Zhicheng watched Shen Ming not speaking, and said: "We have nothing now. We wanted to hide the news and try to make a comeback, but it was exploded by the **** Meng Ping."

"It's Meng Ping again." Shen Ming mentioned that Meng Ping gritted his teeth bitterly. "Damn it, how come it's him every time!" To be honest, Shen Ming looked down on Meng Ping since he was a child. The younger brothers who are also unconcerned, he has incomparable contempt for Meng Ping's self-willing and depraved behavior.

Meng Fan was killed later, and he laughed at Meng Ping in his heart. Fake benevolence and righteousness. After his brother died, all the resources of the Meng family would be put on him. Why did he pretend to be sad?

In fact, he missed it.

"The **** Meng Ping is now getting bigger and bigger business, which has added a lot of trouble to us." Ji Zhicheng looked vicious, "Looking for an opportunity, I have to kill him."

"It's you?" Shen Ming sneered: "I advise you to take up this mind earlier." The Meng family has already died one of the most important ones, and it is impossible to let the only one be counted.

He checked that the old man of the Meng family and Meng Xingzhi had people with Meng Ping.

Ji Zhicheng obviously understood what he meant, and then he was out of anger. "You think of a way, how can we turn over without the Ji family cash cow? Everything is still in the stage of arrangement."

"Hey!" Shen Ming sighed, his whole body irritable. "I originally wanted my grandpa to look at me with admiration. I want to make our Shen family come back through the business world. Now it's impossible."

After a pause, he said, "From now on, the Ji family will have nothing to do with me."

A moment of astonishment flashed through Ji Zhicheng's eyes. Obviously, he didn't expect Shen Ming to be so cruel, and his heart could not stop chilling. No matter how bad the Ji family is, but Shen Ming really has nothing to say to him, asking money for money, asking people for money, even his only daughter is married to him, and now he is bankrupt, he can turn his face and draw the line immediately.

But I am not a good person, and I have no room to blame others. What he worries about is that when working with this kind of person, it will be different in the end!

Shen Ming was a bit reluctant, and didn't want to bow his head with his cousin, but now he can only use his cousin. Who wants grandpa to be partial? He calculated himself before he died, and the remaining power of the Shen family that he thought he could control all fell into the hands of his cousin.

After Ji Zhicheng left, Shen Ming turned back to the room to freshen up and change clothes. Ji Shiyu is already awake and is standing in front of the mirror combing her hair. It is really troublesome to take care of her permed hair in the morning. Seeing Shen Ming coming back with cold air, she said unhappily: Where did you go? How did you go for so long?"

"Don't worry about my business in the future." Shen Ming said boredly, without even looking at Ji Shiyu.

Ji Shiyu stopped combing his hair, thinking that he hadn't woke up in the morning and was confused! Since she married Shen Ming, she has never seen him speak to herself in this tone, and even the quarrel a few days ago has not been so serious.

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