Qin Xue clenched her fist tightly, her red lips almost forming a line. She now sympathizes with Ji Shiyu who will sympathize with her, the family does not understand, even his father does not allow it.

When Mingming was in the Southern Military Region, he really wanted Xu Qigang to be his son-in-law. Obviously, his father mentioned him again and again in front of him at the beginning.

Now she has fallen, and the whole world has left her.

"No, no..." Ji Shiyu still cried hysterically, "I and Shen Ming are right! Shen Ming and I are the most suitable, I know, I just know."

Qin Xue gently stroked Ji Shiyu's hair with her hand, her expression indifferent even her last sympathy was taken back.

"Shen Ming, don't think he is doing well now. Even the former Shen family, even our Qin family, Su Jiang, and Hai family have to avoid the edge. He grew up in that kind of family, how could he really like to do it alone? Business? In her eyes, you are nothing more than an individual chamber of commerce and industry, which is nothing but speculation."

"Smack..." Before Qin Xue said anything, Ji Shiyu slapped it with a slap in anger. Qin Xue was taken aback and stood up and then slapped back.

She was a soldier, how could the strength of Ji Shiyu in her hand compare to that of Ji Shiyu, the slap of Ji Shiyu's head was dizzy and her face was hot and painful. The reason that had been stimulated by Shen Ming all came back.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry...I didn't mean it, sister Qin Xue, don't be angry with me." No matter how powerful the Iron King is, he still can't compare with these powerful families.

Ji Shiyu had no brains, and knew that he could not offend Qin Xue. What's more, when she was a child, she knew Qin Xue because she had been fond of her.

"Ji Shiyu, I think you are dizzy. Your family is bankrupt. Now that you have nothing, you are still crying here for a bad guy."

"What did you say? You say it again?"

"It seems that you still don't know." Qin Xue moved her wrist and said coldly, "You offended Feng Zhenzhen at the train station ten days ago, do you remember?"

"I didn't offend Feng Zhenzhen." Ji Shiyu denied, "I just think Shengning is very unpleasant. I want to vent my anger for you, so I just cursed Shengning."

This Qin Xue didn't know yet, a glimmer of astonishment flashed in his eyes, so Ji Shiyu carefully said aside what happened that day. In the end, Qin Xue's face was slightly better, but she sympathized with Ji Shiyu more.

"I'm sorry I caused you. You still don't know the relationship between Shengning and Feng Zhenzhen. I heard that they are cousins. Although Shengning doesn't have much weight, you can listen to you in Feng Zhenzhen's face and scold Shengning and make her angry. People in the capitalist world are really despicable, and Feng Zhenzhen is not even a good person."

At the first glance at Feng Zhenzhen from the airport, Qin Xue felt dangerous. It was like two super masters meeting each other. At first glance, each other knows that the opponent's power is not lower than their own, and they will become their opponents.

In the four major military regions, Qin Xue, as a female soldier, can become regiment leader not only by family strength. Her own strength and hard work should not be underestimated. It can be said that there are few female soldiers of the four major military regions who are in her eyes.

With a vision as high as her, the first sight of Feng Zhenzhen knew that this woman was not annoying. She doesn't want to provoke such a person for the time being.

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