May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Chapter 1742: The gift is too expensive

"Don't be red eyes, come in!" Yang Wenying drew Qiubai in. Shengning was busy serving tea and pouring water. There were also fruits, melon seeds, fruit candies and peanuts at home during the Chinese New Year, and put them on a large plate. On the coffee table in the living room.

These were not enough. When she came back, she bought a gift for the two of them, each with a Valentino watch, and hurried upstairs to take it down.

Presented to the two of them as if offering treasures, waiting to be praised.

Yang Wenying and Qiubai watched her busying, everything was still so familiar, and there was hardly any change from Shengning before they separated. The strangeness that hadn't been seen for so long finally disappeared, and both of them couldn't help but smile.

"Okay, don't be busy, we have something to tell you when we come."

"Wait..." Sheng Ning took out two more brooches, the diamonds gleaming in the light, and almost blinded them when they opened them.

Sheng Ning said with joy: "Head Yang, Teacher Qiu Bai, this is a gift from me to both of you. I must accept it with a little heart."

Yang Wenying looked at the diamond brooch and didn't say anything for a long time. Sheng Ning looked at her blankly, and finally refused to say: "Diamonds are too expensive. If the watch is good, I will keep it!"

"Cough cough cough..." Teacher Qiubai, who was drinking water, blushed from being choked. She looked at the jewelry box in Sheng Ning's hand and said: "This...this thing is more valuable than diamonds."

Yang Wenying doesn't know her, can she meet her after studying abroad? One of Valentino's things is sky-high, and he can't afford a watch like this for ten days' wages.

"What?" Yang Wenying shook her hand and almost threw the watch out. "How expensive can it be? It's even more valuable than diamonds?" Now one hundred yuan of a plum watch on the market is very good.

"This watch is at least 10,000 yuan or more."

"Ten thousand?"

"Yes, it's not Renminbi, it's U.S. dollars." Qiu Bai said frankly.

The exchange rate of U.S. dollars to RMB is scary. Isn't ten thousand U.S. dollars equal to one hundred thousand RMB? OMG! Want to scare her to death for 100,000 yuan? This watch is no longer a watch in Yang Wenying's eyes. It is Jinshan, a dozen houses.

In the 1980s, it was enviable to have a household of 10,000 yuan, and a watch with hundreds of thousands was simply too scary.

Yang Wenying suddenly felt that this watch was too hot to hold in her hand, and hurriedly stuffed it into Shengning's arms, and criticized: "You stinky girl wanted to make me make mistakes when he came back. I think you are looking for a fight."

"It's not the head, you listen to me." Sheng Ning felt that she had taken it for granted before. She had calculated that Yang Wenying didn't know the value of the watch. She took out the watch and the diamond at the same time. Yang Wenying would definitely choose the less eye-catching watch.

In this way, her gift was successfully sent out, and as a result, she forgot Teacher Qiubai, which was a miscalculation.

In fact, this watch is not expensive among Valentinos, it can only be regarded as the most common, and the price is not very different from Qiu Bai's guess. At that time, I thought it was economical and cost-effective, and it was best used to give away.

When Mary recommended it, she directly agreed, asking for one piece for each style and color.

"This watch is actually not expensive, really!" Sheng Ning looked at Yang Wenying sincerely, "Really, it's not expensive at all, and it's my caution. If you don't accept it, do you despise me? Or give birth to me. gas?"

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