"No, I really like Lynn." Sheng Ning tried her best to argue. She actually wanted to say that her little sister has grown up. If she becomes a leftover girl and can't get married, wouldn't she be a big loss?

She is determined now, that is foresight, that woman can marry Lynn, that definitely saved the galaxy in her previous life.

"You like it, but it doesn't mean that your daughter also likes it." Yang Wenying excluded the old feudalism of arranged marriages from her heart, and Sheng Ning guessed that she must have a past that she did not want to say.

"It's impossible for my girl not to like it. I think that if a child like Lynn marries my daughter, he will suffer." Sheng Ning said what was in his heart when he was happy, and even Qiu Bai, who had never spoken, The teacher is not happy anymore.

"Have you ever said this to Master Xu?" Yang Wenying had already called Xu Qigang directly by name or nickname, but as Xu Qigang was promoted to teacher, many people changed their names.

It is very impolite to call a superior nickname casually.

"Don't, don't..." Sheng Ning waved his hand quickly, "If he knew it, I would be mad." Sheng Ning felt that her daughter would become a leftover girl when she grew up, but in Xu Qigang's eyes, that of her precious girl It's all kinds of good, all kinds of good.

In short, there is no man in the world who can match his daughter.

The three chatted for a few more words. Yang Wenying saw that Qiubai looked a little strange, and she asked with a thoughtful and strange expression: "What's wrong with you? What do you think?"

"I was thinking that Sheng Ning just said that Lin En's biological father gave the Victoria Theatre to her little sister as a token of love?" Qiubai has been thinking about this issue. She has been in contact with her mentor, and the latest one is received. This theater was mentioned in the teacher's letter.

I heard that Victoria’s new stage play "Madame Linglong" has made a sensation in the entire art world, and tourists from all over the world come here every day. Even she is very tickle, wishing to see "Mrs. Linglong" immediately.

"Yeah!" Sheng Ning didn't hide this. She dances, and having a theater is a real thing to be proud of. "Teacher Qiubai waits for us to have the opportunity to go to the Victoria Theatre to communicate with each other. If you go, you must be a guest."

Qiubai opened his mouth, wanting to say that he had been surprised by the news of the explosion, and his reaction was a little slow. She thought that this was the limit, but Shengning said in a shocking voice: "I also wrote a stage play called "Mrs. Linglong", which is about the story of our great Shanghai. Originally I wanted to play it myself, but unfortunately Going back to China can only allow my manager to find suitable candidates."

"Sheng Ning, you gave me a big surprise and realized my biggest dream of studying abroad." It took a long time for Teacher Qiubai to regain her composure. She is a person purely pursuing art, and she is indifferent to things like money and power. , But when it comes to the pursuit of art, no one is more crazy than her.

When she knew that "Mrs. Linglong" was written by Sheng Ning, her eyes were different, and she was embarrassed when she saw it. She pulled Sheng Ning and talked a lot, especially about some details of "Mrs. Linglong", dance, elements, stage beauty, artist and music.

The person in charge of music arrangement is also a famous master. The name Qiubai has heard of and has always been admired.

"How did you invite this master?"

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