May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Chapter 1750: Memories that never fade

Hai Yunbing thought for a while, and said in a heavy tone: "Dual personality is like a person's body with two souls. Now we have Bo'er. The one who spoke to Shen Feihu just before Shen Ming came Ann."

Hai Yunbing's words were undoubtedly a bolt from the blue for Hai Shen, his eyes widened and he did not speak for a long time, just looking at his sister's back.

"An An is smart, she knows how to control herself, but once a dual personality is formed, it is not easy to control. In her heart, there are two different souls fighting, struggling, and the pain is unimaginable."

Hai Yunbing suddenly felt that it is not a good thing for a person to be too smart, because it means that you have to bear a hundred times more pain than ordinary people. Every detail, every bad memory will be magnified countless times.

And it will be permanently engraved in your heart, and no matter how long years, the pain will not fade.

The first indication of An An's dual personality was the death of her mother, which left trauma to her young heart and directly caused her consciousness to close all memories.

The second time was Han Xiaoqiu's death, which brought her a powerful impact and awakened her once closed consciousness. At that time, Bo'er's personality awakened and became dominant.

No one was aware of this problem at the time, including An An himself. Later, because of Qin Yue's relationship, An An, who lost his dominant position, snatched it back from Bao'er. However, Shengning's accident later, coupled with Qin Yue's accident this time, brought too much shock one after another.

Today, the two personalities have been evenly divided, and they are almost the same.

"Don't tell the old man about this matter." Hai Yunbing was still a little skeptical, but Shen Ming was so excited just now, what else he didn't know. An An is so smart, she must know her situation now.

"I know."

Haiyunbing cursed in a low voice, "Han Xiaoqiu's evildoer made her die like this. It's really cheap for her."

Haishen gave a cruel smile, "It's cheaper for the dead, but the living still have to continue to suffer!"

Haishen glanced at his son, "Don't go too far." He knew very well that his son was not a fuel-efficient lamp.

"Don't worry, I have a sense of measure."


During lunch at noon, Shen Feihu came to the door, and got a disgusting look from his aunt with empty hands.

How can anyone come empty-handed for the Chinese New Year? Anyway, some peanuts and melon seeds are fine!

Sheng Ning was shocked when she saw Shen Feihu. Even if she saw Meng Xingzhi, she was not afraid. She was afraid when she saw Shen Feihu. Her teacher was like a primary school head teacher.

"Master, have you eaten? Master's Chinese New Year." She was busy, serving tea and pouring water, and moving stools and dishes.

Shen Feihu was very satisfied, "No! I originally wanted to eat dinner at Old Man Hai's house, but the family was too stingy."

"No! Uncle Shen." Su Huai'an smiled and said, "I saw Shen Ming coming, are you disturbed?"

Shen Feihu didn’t get angry after being exposed, he laughed and said, “You’re smart, but I don’t have a daughter. Otherwise, it’s great to let you be my son-in-law. The province is cheaper than the old Chen family, and the real advantage is let their family take over. Up."

Su Huai Anjun blushed, and did not continue to speak, but helped his aunt to take care of the two little babies.

The little brother and little sister were sitting on two baby chairs, one of them was waving a rice spoon in his hand, and there was egg custard in front of them. The two of them ate with relish.

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