May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Chapter 1754: You want to kill me

Qin Yue stretched out his hand to pinch Sissel's chin and looked at her with deep eyes.

"What? Missing a man?"

Sissel felt a pain in his heart. When he didn't lose his memory, he despised himself in all kinds of contempt. He thought he would go according to his plan after losing his memory, and be obedient.

Obviously the result was not ideal. She once advised herself to take it easy, others also persuaded her, even the elder brother broke the relationship between the two because of his own attitude.

In fact, she doesn't care about these.

What she cares about is whether Qin Yue will fall in love with her. When she has fallen in love with him, she will not allow this man to think about other women.

"What I lack is you." Sissel said softly, "I only want you, I don't want anyone else." He even lowered his head and printed his **** thin lips on his red lips.

His lips are very soft and can make a woman addicted to a kiss.

Sissel originally just wanted to tease him and make him subdue to his own charm, but this was just a kiss, she had already been fascinated and wanted to ask for more.

The enchanting posture like a water snake twisted around him, wishing to stick to his hard chest, so that the distance between the two of them would fit closely. Her hand was not idle for a moment, and she stretched it under his crotch boldly...

Sissel was awakened abruptly, and she looked at Qin Yue incredulously. The handsome face in front of him was indifferent, his body didn't react to her at all.

Sissel felt the blood flowing back all over, my God! What stupid did you do? He clearly wants to control everything, but now he is in control.

It was only at this moment that she clearly realized that she and her brother had been tricked by this man.

Qin Yue is not a man that others can control, whether it is before or after amnesia.

"My brother has no feeling for you!" Qin Yue curled his lips and smiled as if he was very upset. "I wanted to make do with you and it doesn't matter if you fall asleep, but I didn't expect my brother to be so picky. I look down on you."

Hearing words that looked like intimacy in Sissel's ears was tantamount to slapping her severely.

Kerberg's eldest lady, a beautiful blonde with a variety of styles, is the focus of men's pursuit wherever she goes. A look in her eyes can make a man not even want his life for her.

But he was humiliated to this point.

"Asshole, do you really think I dare not kill you?" Sissel raised his hand and slapped Qin Yue's face with a slap in the face. When his palm was about to touch his handsome face, Qin Yue didn't lightly block him. .

"You want to kill me?"

"Odin, I spoil you, you are my man. If I don't like you, you are a prisoner." Sissel said proudly: "What do you think you are here? Without me, you I don’t know how many times I have died."

Qin Yue didn't seem to hear her at all, the smile on his face remained the same from beginning to end, "But what if I don't want to be your man?"

"Then you have only a dead end." Sissel felt that she was going crazy. She had no turning back at this point, and she didn't want to regret it.

This man must be hers.

"Odin, don't think I don't know if you are in love with that stinky girl?" Sissel still remembers the look in Qin Yue's eyes when he saw that stinky girl in the casino.

The scorching heat made her legs soft, and made her crazy with jealousy.

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