Kerberg's motorcade stopped abruptly, and he got out of the car angrily. Without a telescope, he could clearly see that the direction of the explosion was the prison, and the mushroom cloud had enveloped the entire prison area.

"This...this is our place?" The doctor looked at him in horror, randomly wondering what was going on, "No! Qin Yue must have cooperated with King Living Hades. This is a trap they set."

The boss seldom leaves the prison. He often sits in the town himself. Today, because of the clues of the living king, the boss came out with a lot of manpower in order to catch him all at once.

With the living king as bait, Qin Yue's actions behind his back are indeed vicious. With such a big explosion, at least one ton of explosives was used, and the entire prison was going to be blown to ruins, and now they had nothing.

"Ah..." The cold Kerberg couldn't bear the blow, and he roared like a beast.

The prison was destroyed, which was more serious than a shot he had planted himself. This was his foundation and the wealth he had accumulated over the years.

Kerberg was about to get in the car and go back immediately, but was stopped by the people below.

"Can't go back, we go back now to find death."

"Yes! Where is the Living Hades waiting for us!"

"Damn, damn..." Kerberg has been so angry that he lost his mind. He has been in the world for so many years, and he has never fallen so badly. This loss to him is not just the simple base camp, because the prisoners are all people of various forces, and the situation inside is complicated. Once these people are dead, he has nothing to control others.

Kerberg stood still staring at the direction of the explosion, his blue eyes glowing coldly like a snake. He calmed down quickly, not knowing what was thinking in his heart, did not speak for a long time, and finally gritted his teeth and said, "Go!"

He is a smart person, but also a person who knows current affairs. He will never lose his mind for revenge, he will stay calm at all times, knowing that the choice is best for him.

This time seeking revenge from the Living Hades, he suffered heavy losses, and it seemed that he needed to adjust his direction.


After the beginning of the year, the people in the three major courtyards became busy one after another, and An An, who was taken to the Hai Family for the New Year, also came back. As soon as he entered the door with something in his hand, the little brother ran over with short legs excitedly.

The little brother was not walking steadily. He ran all the way to An An and fell three times, but he wore a lot of clothes and didn't feel any pain. Instead, he grinned.

"Hehe..." The little brother stretched out his hands to let the auntie hug, but when the little guy came into contact with An An's expression, he suddenly rolled on the ground, and suddenly he didn't want to touch Shengning.

At first, Sheng Ning didn't pay attention, but instead felt that his son's move was silly enough.

"Little brother, don't be stupid." She was afraid of raising her son to be stupid, and she was burdened with stupidity every day as a mother.

The little brother rolled around on the ground, his **** eyes looked at An An, his pink face was full of confusion.

He couldn't speak yet, and stared at his aunt in a daze. The enthusiasm he just wanted to make the auntie was gone.

An An put down the things in her hand, did not dare to look at the clear eyes of her little brother, lowered her head and said hurriedly: "Sister, I am going back to the research institute, so I won't go back to my hometown with you." After that, she didn't look back. Ran out.

Sheng Ning was dumbfounded, and handed the child to Su Huaian, who had just come down from the stairs, and chased him out quickly. She followed the main road in the compound until she reached the gate and watched An'an leave in a black military car.

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