May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Chapter 1772: Kneeling washboard

Now think about myself as a father who is not very competent, let alone bring a baby. Looking at the cute and well-behaved grandson in front of him, Xu Xianxiong secretly vowed that he must take his grandson well, even if he is asked to pick the stars in the sky, he must pick it.

So Xu Xianxiong took his grandson with trembling hands.

This kid is so savvy, he probably knows that the person holding him is a relative, he grinned and drooled at Xu Xianxiong with a flattering smile.

"Hahaha..." Xu Xianxiong laughed loudly at this smile, but Zhao Lanzhi punched him hard from behind when the voice was too loud.

"You shut up, if you scare your grandson, I'll let you go back to the washboard."

The words fell to the ground, and the surroundings became silent for an instant. Everyone looked at Xu Xianxiong with horrified eyes. There were surprises, weirdness, and surprises that were complicated and scary.

Unexpectedly, you are such a green dragon on the left and a white tiger on the right. You are obviously a big man with a height of 1.9 meters, kneeling on the washboard. This picture is too beautiful to imagine. Some people even thought about it secretly. No wonder they often see the old Xu's washboard replaced.

The rural people used a washboard for ten years, but the old Xu's house changed quickly. It turned out to be broken by kneeling.

"Cough cough..." Xu Xianxiong's face blushed, he glanced at Zhao Lanzhi, and whispered: "What are you talking nonsense? What kind of kneeling washboard?" Really, he doesn't want face?

How can such a thing be said in public!

Zhao Lanzhi gave him a white look. She didn't want to shame her husband. But this guy really needs man to govern, or he can go to heaven.

Sheng Ning suffocated her smile very hard. Originally, there was a sense of strangeness when she came back, but now that her parents-in-law said so, the faint estrangement disappeared immediately. She had already imagined in her mind what it would be like to make the Living Hades kneel on the washboard.

The cold and handsome face of the iceberg kneeled on the washboard without expression, and it made people excited to think about it. No, you must buy a washboard at home as soon as you go back.

"Wow..." The little sister is still in the car! Maybe he was left out for a long time, and cried loudly in the car.

"It's a granddaughter, it's a granddaughter..." Zhao Lanzhi was excited.

Sheng Ning got into the car again and took the little sister down. Now it's all right, the old couple hugs grandson one by one, and the granddaughter smiles into a flower.

The noisy people moved all the way from the entrance of the village to the home. After Sheng Ning handed over the children to her parents-in-law, she followed along to greet the neighbors. She brought back many things from abroad, including sweets and so on.

Chocolate is not very popular at this time in China, so she buys many colorful toffee, filled toffee and so on. These things were prepared in advance, and a large bag was handed over to Xu Yingshan.

"Thank you, please."

"Sister-in-law, you are really thoughtful." Xu Yingshan gave a thumbs up.

"That's a must." She grew up in a rural area, how could she not know some of the friendships in the village. Every family has a happy event, whether it’s marrying a daughter-in-law or giving birth to a baby, you have to give your neighbors some sweets and red eggs.

The two babies were born abroad, and even the full moon held a banquet at Feng's Manor. For the child's grandparents, she lacks a lot. If she doesn't even prepare these things, this daughter-in-law will be too incompetent.

Xu Yingshan's eyes widened when he looked at the English letters he didn't recognize. The candy in my hand is very expensive at first glance, grab a handful of heavy, thinking that my sister-in-law is really generous, no wonder my uncle is so eccentric.

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