May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Chapter 1774: The youngest professor

Su Huai'an finally breathed a sigh of relief, and the camel-colored woolen sweater under his coat had a few more handprints. With a helpless smile, he spread his hands towards Shengning.

"Is it all right? I didn't expect you to be so popular."

"It's okay, don't tell Yingzi when you go back." That girl is a jealous jar, and she can torture him vigorously by saying a few more words with female students in school.

"Don't worry, don't worry." Sheng Ning made a knowing look.

Su Huaian rubbed her hair dozingly, said hello to the elders, and went to help move things.

Sheng Ning saw that Shen Luhua and Sheng Lao San were coming, tears could not be controlled, and they stayed behind. She looked at the two pitifully, and made them feel terribly distressed.

In front of her parents, she was a little girl, and everything about those encounters, tortures, and desperation appeared before her eyes. The more she thought about it, the more sad she was, and the more she thought about it, the more she felt wronged.

Seeing Shen Luhua, she threw herself directly into her arms and cried and said, "Mom, I miss you."

"Good! We miss you too, we can't sleep if we think about it." Sheng Ning had an accident, and only Shen Luhua knew it best. She contacted her former friends and knew everything when she asked. But even if she knew it, she wouldn't dare to say a word, because she was afraid that the old man could not stand it.

Later, her son-in-law contacted her, and An An also contacted her, only to know that Ningning was okay, and this was a little relieved. But she was alone in a foreign country thousands of miles away, and it was worrying to think about it.

"Just come back, just come back..."

The sudden change made the smiles on Zhao Lanzhi and Xu Xianxiong's faces disappear. The little brother who was held in his arms by his grandfather was so sad that his mother was crying, and he was so scared to cry.

For a while, the yard was turning around.

Sheng Ning also realized that her reaction was too great, and when she accidentally saw Su Huaian moving in, she also looked silly and amused.

"Ningning..." Su Huaian looked at her helplessly, feeling pained in her heart. Now I know that Ningning must have suffered a lot of crimes, and the family is mentally prepared when they come back. As a result, Ningning became very calm, allowing them to adapt quickly, but still a little worried.

Now that he saw Ningning's reaction, he realized that only in front of the closest person would he show his true emotions.

Su Huaian murmured to himself, but fortunately, my uncle didn't come, otherwise, he would definitely feel uncomfortable.


Northern Military Region, Weapons Research Institute

The location of the research institute is also on National Defense Road. This is the usual scientific research institution, and the country's best experts gather here. All theoretical results were transported from here, and finally transferred to a secret research institute in the desert, where they became a reality after experimentation.

Since being selected, An An has been the most confidential secret research institute directly. Everyone in the academy knows that they have newly recruited the youngest genius professor, or a student who is vying for several national treasure-level experts.

But the real person never saw it once, and everyone's curiosity was raised.

What they do is usually dealing with experiments and various data. It is rare that there are any novel things.

Recently, I heard that the youngest professor is coming. Many people come early every day to see their true colors.

"Have you heard? The youngest professor is here."

"Have you seen the real person?"

"No! I came here last time. At first I thought it was a relative of Professor Gu's family, but no one cared about it. Later, I realized that it was the legendary professor."

"What is your name?"

"I know, I know how to listen to Professor Gu calling her classmate Sheng'an."

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