May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Chapter 1780: Not the real master

"Boss, did you think of the Shen family again?" The little fat man knows him best, as long as you mention Meng Fan's boss, you must think of the Shen family, who doesn't share the same sky. "I tell you that Shen Ming has a lot of small movements recently. I don't think he is a good thing anymore, but he still likes to pretend."

Mentioned that Shen Ming and Meng Ping changed his clothes, his hands trembled, "What? He won't give up without the Iron King?"

"That's right, that's right." Little Fatty looked excited, knowing that the boss is staring at Shen's house, so he always pays attention to it, and he will tell the boss if he moves a little.

And he really didn't like Shen Ming. Others said he was honest and not the same as Shen Yu. However, he felt that Shen Ming was more insidious. He liked to complain secretly when he was young, and he pushed him into the pond in winter, which he can remember for a lifetime.

"I heard that Shen Ming went to Liyang County and then ran to find An An. I guess he didn't have any good ideas."

When the little fat man said that, Meng Ping guessed it, "He wants to seize power and want to take the resources in An'an as his own."

"Look! I know he is uneasy and kind." The little fat man felt very happy that he could find his stubble.

"What does he want to do?" Meng Ping changed his clothes and muttered to himself after thinking about it for a while, but he had one thing for sure, "Shen Ming can't stay."

"Huh?" The little fat man was dumbfounded, the boss said that he can't stay, does that mean? This...Is this too bad? He is a good man!

"I was so panicked when I saw him." Shen Yu's younger brother, he didn't plan to let it go.


Next, Meng Ping didn't tell Little Fatty. He never told Little Fatty to do some things, so he didn't tell him directly. After all, he grew up together when he was young. He didn't want him to get involved in things that were too dangerous.

The two were talking casually, and the secretary Meng Pingxin invited knocked in. He dug in from Hong Kong, very professional and responsible.

"Boss." The secretary is a man, whose surname is Zhao, looking serious. Because of Xu Mo's existence, Meng Ping couldn't stand that tone anymore, so the people around him all looked righteous.

"The king of the land we fancy was taken first." Secretary Zhao's face was ugly and almost crying. They had been busy for half a year and they didn't expect that they would be robbed.

"Is Feng Zhenzhen?"


"Sure enough, no one except her has the capital to grab things from me." Meng Ping went into the bathroom and quickly washed. After all, he was trained by the Living Hades in the Wolf Warriors regiment. He washed very fast and came out in ten minutes.

After washing his face, the hair on his face still has drops of water, and he is so handsome that people can't look away.

Secretary Zhao said helplessly: "Feng Zhenzhen is too powerful, and we can't compare her with abundant funds, and she still has 10 billion foreign exchange as a backer, who can compare it." The land king was robbed of her by her. Unexpectedly, she was actually interested in real estate projects.

"It's better to ask Feng Zhenzhen to come out for a talk. It's such a big piece of land, which is not completely eaten by her family." The little fat man made an idea.

Meng Ping shook his head slightly when he heard his words, "She is not the real master, so she is not qualified to talk to me."



Boss, can you stop being picky? Who doesn't want to cooperate with Feng Zhenzhen now?

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