More than a dozen men, all of their fierce aura, were obviously the masters who licked blood on the edge of the knife. These people were all carrying marching bags and black duffel bags in their hands. They seemed to be placed heavily at the door, even blocking the way.

Ji Letian had had several dealings with Meng Ping, and the road was blocked. After asking Sheng Ning for instructions, he got out of the car and greeted Meng Ping.

"You drive yourself as the driver." When Ji Letian got down, Meng Ping raised his brows in surprise when he saw someone in the back seat of the car. As far as he knows, Ji Letian has a very high status in the Feng family, and like Feng Zhenzhen, he can call the shots. Even if it is not Feng's family, who might let him be the driver himself?

"Feng Zhenzhen?" Meng Ping winked and asked with a wicked smile.

"No." Ji Letian looked serious, showing sincere respect.

Meng Ping was even more surprised at this moment. Feng Zhenzhen's airs were big enough, and he even dared not give him face. Isn't Feng Zhenzhen inside? Who is Feng Zhenzhen? He squinted, looking at Ji Letian without a trace, and an astonishing guess emerged in his heart.

Could it be Feng's Patriarch in it?

If so, he still has to look at Lushan's true colors.

"It must not be an ordinary person who allows you to drive. I will say hello." When Meng Ping laughed, his handsome face was too deceptive. He took out the cigarette box from his body and was about to open the back door, but he was caught Ji Letian stopped quickly.

"Mr. Meng, please respect yourself." Ji Letian said with a gloomy face.

"Okay!" Meng Ping shrugged indifferently, drew a cigar from the cigarette case and clicked it on his own, smoking it gracefully.

With Ji Letian's attitude, he was 100% sure that it was the Patriarch Feng. I heard that it was a woman, but I don't know how powerful it is to have such a big handwriting, even he became curious.

Ji Letian suppressed his anger and said: "I have something to do today, so I won't talk more with you. Please help keep the way out."

Sheng Ning sat in the rear parking lot, concentrating on the people and the things he was carrying, guessing who they were. Mercenaries, those things in your hands should be weapons, right?

What does Meng Ping want to do with so many people? Is he crazy? If this is caught, he will be shot directly. Thinking of this, she rubbed her eyebrows with a headache and tapped on the car window lightly.

Standing outside, Ji Letian heard the sound coming over cleverly, the window glass of the car dropped a gap, and his hands were bent over his ears.

"Ask what Meng Ping wants to do."

"Yes! Patriarch." Ji Letian nodded, and after walking past, Meng Ping threw the cigar box in his hand to him. The two stood together to swallow the clouds and fog, Meng Ping from time to time instructed people to move faster and don't delay his time.

Ji Letian said casually, "By the way, I heard that the land we just bought was Mr. Meng's previous goal?"

Meng Ping sneered, and gracefully flicked the ashes, "Yes! It's a pity that I am a small business, and I will be eaten by you before I can get it done."

Ji Letian's eyes widened, with a rich expression, "Mr. Meng is kidding? If you are a small business, how would you let others mess with? Your humble attitude is good, even if it is too humble, it makes people unhappy. Look at our Feng family , When we go there, we are all doing big business, we never do small business."

"Hahaha..." Meng Ping found that people in foreign countries did not think differently from those in the mainland, and he became more and more appetite for him.

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