May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Chapter 1798: Take the opportunity to entangle

"Little Yue?" Qin Xue shifted his gaze from Xu Qigang's serious face to Qin Yue behind him. Although she knew that her brother would definitely suffer when he came back, she didn't expect to be tied back.

She quickly stepped forward in excitement, and most of the people behind her were confidants she had conquered in the past six months, and she absolutely obeyed her words. Seeing that the group leader was excited, he even forgot to talk to the teacher, and did not dare to say anything, one by one honestly saluted Xu Qigang.

No matter how Qin Xue has the means, men are born to worship heroes with passion. With Xu Qigang's qualifications, Qin Xue couldn't surpass him even if he had been in business for a hundred years.

Xu Qigang's eyes seemed to be swept randomly, his eyes were slightly surprised. He saw a few familiar faces in the crowd, and could not be named. He should have seen it before in the Southern Military Region.

Qin Xue stood in front of Qin Yue, with worry and excitement on her face, "Xiao Yue, are you okay?" She stretched out her hand and didn't touch Qin Yue, but was pushed away by him violently.

"You..." Qin Xue's words were blocked in her throat, looking at her brother in disbelief. Since childhood, even if Qin Yue was a bastard, he had a good relationship with several sisters in the family. Even if Sheng'an broke up with the family later, I didn't expect it to be like this.

The scene was a bit awkward, Xu Qigang rubbed his eyebrows, he didn't expect Qin Xue to come. The teacher was really confused, and Qin Xue shouldn't be asked to come over, because it was obviously a bad thing.

"I'm your sister." Qin Xue's face turned pale when she said this, her brother became like this, and the entire Qin family was dragged into the quagmire.

Qin Yue actually had his hands handcuffed in handcuffs. At this moment, he was standing there, his expression slightly reduced, but the evil scorn that penetrated into his bones could not be concealed. The blood stained his hands all the way. No less than when he participated in the Southern Xinjiang War.

Now is the time when Qin Yue's whole body is the strongest, even if Qin Xue is standing in front of him, he can't help being frightened.

"Go away!" Even the blind could see the impatientness on Qin Yue's face. The facial features of the woman in front of me are indeed somewhat similar to me, but so what? He didn't care at all.

"Xiaoyue, I am your sister." Qin Xue's eyes quickly turned red, and standing in place made people feel pitiful and pitiful.

The eyes of those who followed her were incredibly wide.

Xu Qigang frowned, patted her shoulder and shouted to the side.

"Don't cry." He said dryly. After all, Qin Xue had been on the battlefield together before, and Qin Xue was such an arrogant person, it was incredible to be so angry with his brother.

It turned out that Xu Qigang didn't say anything. When he said that Qin Xue seemed to have found a vent, he plunged into his arms, crying shoulders trembling constantly.

"You..." Xu Qigang's face turned dark, and he reached out to push her and Qin Xue insisted on holding his waist to death and not letting go.

This embrace was what she longed for most during countless midnight dreams. She wanted to lean on his arms and hold his thin waist in her dreams. Before, she had no courage. Qin Xue had always been so proud, she couldn't let go of her face.

Qin Yue's attitude just now created the best opportunity for her. If she didn't grasp it, she would be the biggest fool.

"Qi Gang, our family is now under pressure from all directions. My younger brother dragged our family into the quagmire for Sheng'an. How can he be such a bastard, how can he have no conscience."

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