May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Chapter 1812: Shen Ming's death

"Then I ask you, what do you mean in this big drama that you and Qin Xue play together?" An An said with a sneer: "A woman like Qin Xue really wants a man to be crazy, right? In order to win Xu Qigang's sympathy, don't hesitate Doing such a shameless thing."

"Do you know it?" Shen Ming looked at her incredulously. He really didn't understand what this cousin was thinking, why didn't he stand up and pick it out if he saw it with his own eyes?

"Yeah! I saw it clearly." The barrel in An An's hand was still slightly hot, "Not only did I catch it, I also helped you make up a shot, so that Qin Xue's performance can be more realistic, otherwise How can you fool Xu Qigang, really treat him as an idiot like you?"

"Ha ha ha... It's really retribution!" Shen Ming burst out laughing like crazy, "It's all Shen Yu is the devil, in fact, I am the devil in our family. But together we are no better than you, you You are the devil, you are the real devil."

"That's what your brother-in-law can do. Look at it! Our Shen family's pedigree just likes to shoot at our own people. Isn't it cool? Isn't it abnormal?"

An An frowned slightly, with a hint of impatient emotion on her indifferent face, "You said I am Hai Baoer, what does that have to do with Xu Qigang?"

Following her words, the woods suddenly fell into extreme silence. The laughter in Shen Ming's throat stopped abruptly, as if he was pinched by life.

Then there was a bang, and Shen Ming fell to the ground in response, a shot of blood slowly flowing out from the center of his eyebrows. The blood was still hot at the beginning of the person's death, and it was still steaming on the snow.

His eyes widened, but he couldn't see anything anymore.

"Let's go!" An An threw the gun to the guard company commander and ordered: "Take Shen Ming's body back and bury it with Shen Yu."


No one spoke, everyone moved quickly and took Shen Ming's body and left.

It wasn't until An An's people left for half an hour that Jiang Shaobo came out of the hiding place. He looked at everything in front of him with a complicated expression, and finally walked back step by step with heavy steps.


Qin Xue was shot in six places and was rescued until three o'clock in the morning. Although he was rescued, his knee suffered a comminuted fracture. Although he was better, he could not continue to stay in the fighting force. Up.

There were only two choices before her, one was to retire, but to become the civilian staff she used to despise the most.

During this period, many people had been in the army, and the Qin family had all come from the Southern Military Region. Not only was Qin Xue injured, but Qin Yue was back. Qin Yue's punishment is the most important thing.

One is in the hospital and the other is in the garrison headquarters. Both are exhausting.

After Qin Xue was sent to the operating room, Xu Qigang was picked up by the special forces. He is going to report to the chief in detail, attending meetings at the Security Command, and submitting records.

Things were too complicated to go out this time, he was so busy that he didn't even have time to close his eyes. However, this is not the most painful. The most painful is his foot in the hospital. As long as he closes his eyes, that scene will appear in his mind.

"Qigang has dinner!" Fan Hengyan greeted Xu Qigang and walked towards the cafeteria.

After a one-night meeting, everyone was exhausted. Last night everyone discussed Qin Yue's punishment for a long time, but no results were reached.

It is estimated that this matter is still pulling.

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