"I don't know." Qin Shuang did not let go. Instead, he prepared the wicked to sue and accused: "I didn't expect a hero like you to be an ungrateful person. Don't you feel ashamed of my sister? "

Xu Qigang ignored her. Instead, he acted as the co-pilot, and the door was shut with a bang. With the car window open on him, he left a cold sentence, "Isn't your sister dead?"

"You bastard, you are ungrateful."

"Go back and ask about the specific reason for your sister's injury. Xu Qigang can't use a woman to block the gun." He also had a temper, looking at Qin Shuang's eyes like a dead person.

The dispute between the two also attracted the attention of the staff on duty in the Garrison Command, who saw that Qin Shuang was coming over quickly.

"Excuse me, is Comrade Qin Shuang?"


"Okay, follow us in! I'll find you in the spare." He took out the handcuffs, and was handcuffed before Qin Shuang could react.

Xu Qigang didn't even look at it, but Liu Chun cleverly started the car and drove towards the Xiangshan Lake Villa No.1.

Along the way, Liu Chun kept peeking at Xu Qigang's face, he was hesitant to say something, but he didn't dare to say anything.

"Let's talk!" Xu Qigang rubbed his eyebrows and said hoarsely.

"Master, everyone is waiting for you to come back! When I came, the chief of staff and they were all waiting at the gate of the division." Liu Chun did not dare to say directly, and could only say tactfully.

With so many things to deal with this kind of thing, the teacher shouldn't go elsewhere.

"Let them keep waiting!"

Liu Chun was taken aback for a moment, and then never dared to speak again. The division commander never said that before. The work of the army was more important than his life.

Xu Qigang closed his eyes, and the scene from the hospital kept playing back in his mind. Countless responsible emotions almost suffocated him. He didn't even know how to express, blame himself, regret it?


Because his true emotions are a thousand times, ten thousand times more than this. In addition to these emotions, there is another emotion that makes him unable to be himself, which is panic.

The panic of losing Xiao Ning.

He leaned his head on his back, and his eyebrows were frowned into a small mountain.

"Master, sister-in-law is okay, don't worry." Liu Chun couldn't stand it anymore and said in a low voice of comfort.

Xu Qigang closed his eyes and said nothing.

"It's not to blame you, the situation was critical at the time, and Qin Xue's was indeed on the death line." Liu Chun saw that the teacher closed his eyes, probably because he was annoying, so he didn't dare to continue talking later.

Xiangshanhu No. 1 Mansion is very famous in the city recently, firstly because of the high price, and secondly the luxurious decoration and greening and supporting facilities. Liu Chun had never been here before, but he had heard of it.

There are special security guards in the villas, and anyone who enters and exits except the owner must register.

When the special combat division's car arrived, it was directly stopped by the security guard.

"Where are comrades?"

Liu Chun jumped out of the car because he was wearing military uniform and the security guard was very polite. "Who are you looking for this soldier?"

"Feng," Liu Chun said.

Before he came, Renault had followed Meng Ping all the way to inquire clearly. The sister-in-law and Feng's people are relatives, and there are ten Feng's villas in these villas.

"I'm sorry we can't let you in, please go back!" the security guard said sorry.


"The host's family has said hello, and no one is allowed to enter it."

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