"Go down, let me be quiet." She ordered coldly.

"Yes!" The maid bent down and bowed, leaving respectfully.

Feng Zhenzhen came up from the downstairs, and saw the maid who had been driven out, his face even more sad.

"Miss." The maid said hello.

"Go and bring breakfast."


After finishing the order, he stepped into the room, saw Sheng Ning's application, and said what he had just done underneath.

"Xu Qigang hasn't left yet. If you don't go out to see him, he won't leave."

Sheng Ning gave a mocking smile, "No." Her tone was very determined, "Xu Qigang has been away for so long, the special forces have been waiting for him! It is estimated that there are so many things in the army that can drown people. He has no time to wait forever."

Feng Zhenzhen was silent for a while, thinking about what was wrong, and retorted: "But you are injured now. All of this is caused by him. He should stay at the door until you forgive him."

"He won't, he won't..." Sheng Ning muttered to herself, with a sad expression, "I can only rank second in his mind. The army will always be his first, ahead of everything. For him In terms of him, he is a soldier first, and his husband second."

Sheng Ning had never thought about this problem before, because he was also a soldier and he also loved his profession. So she understands him and considers him. It's okay to be wronged a little bit by yourself. Wasn't that the kind of him he loved at the time?

She was reluctant to let him give up his pursuit, career and beliefs for herself.

She couldn't bear it.

But now she regretted it, seeing Xu Qigang hugging Qin Xue with her own eyes, which deeply stimulated her. That scene, she thought, she would never forget.

She thought for a long time last night, and she wanted to give up.

She cares, she is not as clear and righteous as she thought. She has no dedication at all, and she is not a qualified soldier at all.

"Patriarch, let's eat some food!" Feng Zhenzhen has her own judgment. She believes in the judgment of the Patriarch, and at the same time believes that Xu Qigang is a person who must do what she says.


PLA Hospital

At ten o'clock in the morning, Qin Xue finally opened his eyes, and the first person to look for was Qin Shuang.

"Where is Qin Shuang? Why isn't she?" There were many people in the ward, Qin Zhixuan and his mother were all there, but Qin Shuang was not there.

"Why are you looking for her?" Qin Zhixuan asked coldly.

"Xiaoxue, your brother is still in the prison of the Security Headquarters. It doesn't matter to you or him if he has been missing for so long. You disappointed me too much." Mother Qin condemned with a full face.


Qin Xue's face was pale, this dazzling eldest daughter was so weak for the first time.

"Why are you looking for Qin Shuang? Tell me honestly."

Qin Xue didn't dare to say a word while biting her lip. She needed Qin Shuang to help her. Shen Ming killed her. This treacherous thing, after negotiating the terms of cooperation with her, he even dared to murder her.

A good shot, he actually fired so many shots. Originally, with Qin Xue's skill, it was impossible to be shot so many times like a fixed target. She was too careless, and she was not prepared for Shen Ming.

Shen Ming must die.

Qin Zhixuan looked at Qin Xue with a heavy gaze. If she weren't still lying in the hospital bed, he would definitely teach this daughter by himself. It really disappointed him. He put more energy into Qin Xue than Qin Yue.

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