The group wedding was arranged in a state-owned and time-honored hotel, where it is said that the chef ancestors cooked meals for the royal family. The reputation is very good, and the price is not cheap.

With the status of the Su family, the Chen family, and the Feng family, it is natural that weddings cannot be held in such a place.

It's too extravagant, I don't dare to have money!

But fortunately, there is a local tyrant, Shengning, Feng Zhenzhen came forward to spend a lot of money to cover the entire hotel. The wedding uses a combination of Chinese and Western styles, and the on-site wedding march is personally played by the internationally renowned piano master Liu Yilan.

The hot show is performed by the Victoria Opera House, which is a long distance from the United States.

This kind of scenes and treatment cannot be solved with money, let alone money, even if you have money and power, you have to stand aside.

The Su family’s relatives are wrong, but the Chen family has quite a few relatives. Principal Feng has many students, as for Renault...

He is a lot of comrades in arms.

Mr. Zero opened almost a hundred tables, and the wedding invitations were hard to buy. In the end, there was not enough space and added them temporarily. In the end the owner of the restaurant came over.

"Master Xu really has no place to add it. If you add it, you will add it to the toilet." Xu Qigang, who is carrying a baby girl, has an ugly face and winks at Chen Yingjie, "Go, add one at the door. Machine gun, shoot me whoever is squeezing in."

Chen Yingjie danced with excitement on the spot and ran out happily.

Mother Chen almost fainted. This **** sister's wedding was still thinking about making troubles, so she was almost beaten.

Dad Chen was eager to fix his son.

The owner of the restaurant almost fainted, his regretful bowels were blue. Who is it bad for him to find, why do you want to find the living king? Isn't this hitting the muzzle?

Chen Yingjie ran to the door with a machine gun in his arms, and ran into the big beautiful woman who came in. He reacted quickly and stood steady, neither of them fell.

But not falling is a bad thing, because the machine gun has reached the opponent's head.

"Who are you? Can't get in, hurry up, I shot one step forward." At the lively door, all people ran away, and no one was left.

Now that Chen Yingjie's reputation has spread, he is more and more lawless, there is nothing he dares not do.

The appearance of the big beautiful woman is really amazing. She wore a light pink lace dress on her body. Her body was bumpy and her skin was white and tender. The most beautiful is the eyes, and the best is the temperament. With a single gesture, you can throw other women out of the eighteenth street.

Chen Yingjie did not squint, nor did he persuade in front of the beauty.

"Don't go? You are not brave enough."

Feng Zhenzhen was almost grinning, her patron would be kicked out. However, she liked Chen Yingjie's performance very much, even if he was driven away, she was also happy.

Because he drove her like this, not her like that.

"Put down the gun." She said coldly.

"You... are you Feng Zhenzhen?" Chen Yingjie was very keen on the voice, and he heard it all at once, widening his eyes in disbelief, even rubbing a bit, repeatedly confirming that he had no dizziness.

"How did you change?"

"Before he was disfigured by the fire, but now he has recovered." Feng Zhenzhen's face was calm, his eyes were so clear that he was different from what he used to be, no wonder Chen Yingjie didn't recognize it.

"You originally looked like this?"

"Yeah!" Feng Zhenzhen gently stroked his face with his hand, his expression was complicated. Even she herself almost forgot what she looked like.

"Oh!" Chen Yingjie put away the gun and urged: "The smooth process has already begun. Go in!"

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