May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Chapter 1925: Get cheap and sell well

Only then did Sheng Ning discover that the people around the tables were all looking at him jokingly, his cheeks bursting red and he couldn't wait to jump from Xu Qigang's arms.

"Oh! It's a pity..." Someone got cheap and still behaved.

"Shut up!" Sheng Ning roared angrily. As soon as she looked up, she found her mother-in-law blinking at her ambiguously. The heart that wanted to find a mouse hole to get in was all there, and just now I laughed at Chen Yingjie for being stupid, but he was stupid.

Is it really a silly pregnancy for three years, all stupid by a stupid son.

As the wedding march began, Su Huai'an and Renault on the front podium were wearing straight military uniforms. The military ranks on the shoulders of the two gleamed. Of course, most of the guests here today are wearing military uniforms.

From commander to general, grab a lot of them, otherwise the uniforms on the two of them will be more eye-catching.

After all, there are really not many such young officers, even Renault has become a battalion commander by his own ability.

Feng Xiaoli took Principal Feng's arm, and Chen Huaying took her father Chen's arm and stepped on the red carpet together. The exciting and cheerful music made the atmosphere of the scene to the highest level.

Sheng Ning smiled and watched the ceremony, and also pinched Xu Qigang by the way.

"Look at people now, you are looking at me back then." The disgust in the tone was self-evident.

"Daughter-in-law, I treated you badly, or else we should make up one too?"

"Don't." She actually said that no matter how simple the marriage was, it was the best thing in her heart. A good wedding is the icing on the cake, and a bad wedding is precious as long as the relationship between the two is good.

She thought about turning her head to look at An An quietly. The little girl was already moved and cried, and she felt a little pain in her heart. An An has always wanted to have a wedding and wanted to marry Qin Yue, but under the current circumstances, it is really difficult to handle.

I hope that one day, I will have the opportunity to personally help An An to host one of the grandest weddings, and I must surpass this time.

Sheng Ning vowed secretly in her heart.

"Auntie!" The soft and cute childish voice rang behind him in the most authentic London accent. The scene was a bit noisy and I didn't hear another shout. This time it was changed to Chinese. "Auntie, auntie..."

Sheng Ning suddenly turned her head and rubbed her eyes incredible, "Lynn?" My God! Isn't she wrong? Why is Lynn here?

"Why did you come? When did you come?"

Lynn was wearing a suit and waistcoat and a lovely bow tie around his neck. The whole person is like a prince walking out of a fairy tale, with extraordinary temperament, although he is still very young, he can already see his handsome appearance.

Many people have discovered this little mixed race that suddenly appeared, and blamed the aunts for showing a thief.

Even Feng Xiaoli and Chen Huaying who were on the rostrum saw it, wow! Is this mixed blood? It's also very nice. Looks countless times better than the little brother in the northeastern jacket.

The two thought about going down to see the little handsome boy, but they were caught by the groom, and the two angry grooms gritted their teeth.

"Auntie, I miss you so much." Lin En threw into Sheng Ning's arms and pressed a kiss on her face.

Xu Qigang's nose was crooked with anger, and his eye knives flew out.

"I miss you too." Sheng Ning hugged Lin En in his arms and rubbed vigorously a few times, laughing stupidly, "Hahaha...Lin En I thought I would never see you anymore! You have a good time Did your father help you find a stepmother? Will your stepmother bully you?"

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