"That's true, all the people who open schools in my own family come to the Military Children's Junior Bing Primary School, who dares to go past the King of Living Hades." Meng Ping smiled with a hint of irony in his smile.

In recent years, Shengning’s charity work has been very good. In addition to providing free treatment for wounded veterans from the military, Feng’s Hospital has also donated dozens of Hope Primary Schools in remote mountainous areas.

In addition to these, the development of Feng's International School is better. Bilingual teaching, foreign teachers, high tuition fees. Even so, the annual number of places is wildly robbed.

"Speaking of which, we have to thank Chief Xu." As soon as the dean of instruction lowered his head, he saw the enchanting face of the little brother and the small school bag with spicy eyes.

I guessed who this was right away, and his reputation was too big to know.

"It turned out to be Xu Zhining, and the kid Xu Huanxin came to sign up with his uncle."

"Thank you, teacher." The child Xu Zhining deserves to be called a good son of the nation. His mouth is so sweet that the serious teaching director coaxes his head.

The registration went smoothly. It was the daughter of the young master of Xu Jun's family. Even if there was no need to open the back door, no one would dare to jump in. Is Meng Ping the kind of person who doesn't jump in the line?

His face was there, and no one dared to let him line up.

The twins took the new book and packed it into a small schoolbag, and followed Uncle Meng to eat lunch outside until the afternoon before returning home.

As soon as the three of them entered the yard, they found that the atmosphere at home was not right. When they arrived in the living room, they found a strange blond teenager standing in the middle of the living room. About fourteen years old, he is much taller than the same-age children in the East, but they are very thin, and the thin cheeks are a little off.

Sheng Ning's face was pale, and her lips trembled. If it weren't for Xu Qigang's support, she could hardly stand.

Meng Ping's gaze fell on the sunspot held by the blond boy's hands.


Whose urn?

"Aunt Shengning, this is my mother asked me to send it back to you, please." The boy spoke fluent English, bowed ninety degrees before he finished speaking, and took the ashes forward. Distance, and then keep the same movement of bending.

No one spoke in the living room, and the twins stood there sensibly.

They can feel their mother is very sad.

Sheng Ning pushed Xu Qigang's support away and walked towards the teenager step by step, with a solemn expression on the urn in her hand.

"Thank you." She must pause every time she says so as not to let herself cry out uselessly.

No matter how she controlled, she couldn't accept this bolt from the blue.

Meng Ping couldn't bear it anymore, winked at Xu Qigang and asked whose urn it was.

"Gu Yunbo." Xu Qigang said silently.

Meng Ping was taken aback, and then his eyes widened.

Actually Gu Yunbo? Is it her?

Xu Qigang came over and patted Meng Ping on the shoulder, which was regarded as comfort to him. Only the two of them and Su Hai knew about Meng Fan's feelings, but none of the three of them said it.

Because when Meng Fan frantically searched for Gu Yunbo, she had disappeared. By the time Sheng Ning met Gu Yunbo, Meng Fan had already sacrificed, and there was no need to speak out.

Now looking at the blond boy in front of me, I secretly rejoiced that they didn't say it.

"Does your mother have anything to say to me before she leaves?" Sheng Ning was holding Gu Yunbo's urn, and she couldn't imagine that there would be no living people.

Obviously everything is fine.

Before returning from the United States, she wanted Gu Yunbo to come back with her, but she refused without hesitation. In the past five years, she often contacted Gu Yunbo at first, but then she became more and more busy because of her own life and work, and there were fewer contacts.

But true friends don’t lose their feelings because of less contact.

She knew that she was doing well, and she was relieved.

"No." The blond boy shook his head. He bowed to Sheng Ning again, then got up and left without looking back.

"Wait..." Sheng Ning hurriedly chased out, Xu Qigang stopped the boy one step faster than her.

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