May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Vol 2 Chapter 6: Brother Meng Fan is back

Ping Simin was playing with sweat outside, and originally wanted Zhu Meihua to throw a towel down for her and wash her face with the well water in the yard. When I looked up, I found a person sitting in front of my house.

"Who are you?" She didn't realize it herself, her tone and eyes were faintly hostile.

Gu Yunbo didn't answer, anyway, according to the situation in his previous life, he was just like a fool when he arrived in a strange place. Every day, my mind is full of revenge, and the others are completely ignored.

She couldn't please Ping Simin even more.

"What shall I ask you? Who are you? Why did you come to my house?"

Gu Yunbo stood up suddenly, went back to his room and closed the door without looking back.

Ping Simin was half dead, and ran up angrily, shouting loudly, "Mom, who was that just now? How can you let strangers come to our house?"

"You keep me quiet." Zhu Meihua was clearing the table and said unhappy when Ping Simin came back, "Where did you go crazy again? Why don't you even come back for dinner?"

"Brother Meng Fan is back, I... I ate at the chief's house." Ping Simin lowered his head with a guilty conscience, and his father ran to the chief's house without letting her be okay.

But she always thought of Meng Fan's brother. It was rare for him to come back once. She didn't want to let this opportunity go.

"You shut up." Zhu Meihua felt even more angry. She knew her daughter's thoughts, but she didn't want her to do that. In the entire military area compound, who is not staring at Meng Fan?

Just relying on their family conditions, it is simply wishful thinking.

"You will not be allowed to go out from tomorrow." Zhu Meihua said sternly.

Gu Yunbo was in the room, listening to the quarrel between the mother and daughter. He couldn't handle such a high decibel, so he just made a ball of paper and plugged his ears.

Perhaps it is because the physical quality is still not comparable to that of the previous life in the United States, perhaps because of the high emotional tension these two days. She didn't even know when she fell asleep, but instead woke up early the next day.

Starting today, she must race against time to exercise to restore her physical fitness to the peak state of the previous life as soon as possible.

Gu Yunbo put on a big knee-length pants and a big gown on her upper body. She disliked the trouble of long sleeves and was not suitable for exercise, so she cut the sleeves.

Such a transformation is a bit like a wide jersey, revealing all her two white and slender arms. The style of big pants is really ugly, but everyone wears them like this in this era, but no woman wears them like this.

I just came out of the room when Ping Guofei came out, and he looked a bit like her.

Ping Guofei glanced at her and immediately blushed, and coughed uncomfortably, "Yunbo, why are you up so early? Why didn't you get more sleep just after dawn?"

"I want to exercise." She still had that cold attitude, stepping downstairs over Ping Guofei.

Ping Guofei's mouth twitched. He obviously didn't expect the girl his wife to adopt would be so courageous. What is she doing? Dressed like this, you are really brave.

He felt uneasy, and he also had to get up early to exercise, so he followed.

There is a very large playground between the family compound and the military area compound, where all military equipment is complete. The most common single and parallel bars, obstacle cross-country, and even rock climbing.

When Gu Yunbo arrived at the playground according to the memory position, there was no one. She was relieved that no one was right.

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