May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Vol 2 Chapter 19: Take advantage of

Gu Yunbo lowered her eyes, and her thick and curled eyelashes blocked all emotions in her eyes. She suddenly realized that she had done something wrong and that she could not stay away from Meng Fan because of fear.

In this way, it will only give others an opportunity.

Evasion is not the solution to the problem.

Thinking of this, she frowned and slowly raised her head. She looked at her and the other side's position, a little far away, it was not easy to fight, and she seemed to be too active.

"Yunbo, let's go back!" Shi Chunlan whispered.

The group of people in the singing and dancing troupe she didn't talk was enough to look down on them, but her thick accent made the other person laugh immediately.

"The mouth is really stinky, so I have to wash you up next time." Gu Yunbo looked at the people on the truck and said angrily.

Fortunately, the inspection was over, and the guards let the truck in. There was a youthful and sweet laugh from the people above, which spread far away like a wind chime in this cool autumn weather.

Gu Yunbo's gaze followed the truck and saw a man in military uniform with peach eyes walking in front of him. She scorned a little in her heart, hum! It's too different from Meng Fan's water eye.

"Are you Gu Yunbo?" The man looked at her with a probing look, and compared the image of the girl in front of him with that described in his sister's letter, and found that it was not right.

On the contrary, it is very consistent with what father said in the letter.

"That's right!" Gu Yunbo stood straight and looked directly at Ping Qing, "I heard that you have been transferred to the military department? It happens that my friend is going to watch the show. Can I help you?"

Ping Qing raised his eyebrows in surprise, and gave a step backward, "Come with me!"

"Thank you!" Shi Chunlan was very happy.

Gu Yunbo snorted coldly, too lazy to say a word of thanks. In fact, for the entire Ping family, she was too lazy to say a word.

Ping Qing took the two to the military playground where the activities were all organized. The playground was a bit noisy, because it was past October 1, and the performances in the next few days were spontaneously organized by various troops.

So it's not very formal, it's counted as a welfare, and anyone can watch it.

Like Meng Fan, Ping Qing belongs to the special enrollment of military academy and has his own special position on the big playground. When he arrived with the two of them, this area suddenly boiled.

Dozens of people looked at Gu Yunbo's legs like a hungry wolf, and then realized that they were too explicit, too shameful and rude, and immediately lowered their heads flushed.

Some didn't even dare to look after Yunbo.

Compared to their shyness and nervousness, Gu Yunbo was always generous, and didn't take his clothes seriously.

"Cough cough..." Ping Qing cleared his throat, thinking that it was his younger sister anyway, and he should protect him more as an older brother. "Gu..."

"Just call me Yunbo." Gu Yunbo glanced at Ping Qing with complicated eyes, then looked around, wanting to see if Shen Yu was there. As a result, he saw Meng Fan standing at the back at a glance.

This was the first time she saw him after she was born again, just a profiled face was enough to make people confused.

Her gaze stuck to Meng Fan's body, and she couldn't stop the pain at the thought of him only living to twenty-four.

Originally, Meng Fan was talking to people, but he noticed that someone didn't care about him. Since childhood, he has been used to following his sight all the time around him, but gradually he realized that something was wrong.

The sight is too heavy.

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