May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Vol 2 Chapter 22: I am your object

"Where is this girl from? Do you want to find someone at such a young age?" Bai Oulan showed a self-proclaimed perfect smile, and gently pulled Meng Fan's arm, "Do you know?"

"Know!" Meng Fan's gaze was fixed on her again, and the words were concise and concise.

The smile on Bai Olan's face immediately couldn't hold back, and he would definitely not answer his own questions in the past. He has never been interested in messy people and things.

Why did you answer this time?

Gu Yunbo squinted slightly, raised his chin and looked at Meng Fan and asked, "Is she your object?" She wants to take the initiative. If she doesn't take the initiative, White Swan might become his fiancée.

At that time, it was too late to regret it.

This question is too abrupt and too bold, and the eyes of people around are wide. That girl has never dared to ask their company commander that way.

But she dared to wear such bold clothes, which shows that she is very courageous!

"Ping Qing, you sister is fine!" someone whispered.

Ping Qing didn't understand Gu Yunbo, and she gave him too many surprises and surprises when she first met. If it weren't for being unfamiliar, he would take people away without saying a word.

Bai Olan immediately panicked when she heard her question. The head of the group wanted her to be a daughter-in-law, but she knew in her heart that the head could not be Meng Fan's home. I have been working hard for so many years, but I don't want to waste it.

Bai Oulan was about to speak, but Meng Fan looked at it coldly, making her look at Gu Yunbo bitterly.

well! She took down this grudge. The humiliation she tasted today, she will definitely ask her to repay it thousands of times.

Dare to **** her man in front of her and find death!

Meng Fan looked at her deeply and shook his head slowly.

"Then I will be your target!" Gu Yunbo suddenly showed a sly smile, that cold face is not smiling, and it smiles as bright as summer flowers, making people want her to laugh forever.

A hint of surprise flashed in Meng Fan's eyes, obviously he didn't expect her to say that.

"No way?" Gu Yunbo finally sold one step, but he didn't allow himself to fail. She tilted her head and tried to think about her advantages.

"I'm more beautiful than her, don't look at me now, I've been better than now." She stretched out her hand and pointed at Bai Oulan, proudly raised her chin on tiptoe to Meng Fan's ear and whispered: Will warm the bed! Would you like to think about it?"

The man with a stiff body and slightly bowed head listened to her, and his ears, as white as jade, slowly became flushed.

"Still not agreeing?" She knew that Meng Fan was very difficult to deal with. If it were replaced by Meng Ping's radish, she would have agreed.

"Yunbo, let me go home!" Shi Chunlan was almost scared to death when she shrank in the corner, and she just reacted after Ping Qing pushed it.

"Huh?" Gu Yunbo was disturbed, a little unhappy.

"Let's go! I'll take the two of you to dinner." Ping Qing took the initiative to grab Gu Yunbo's wrist and greeted everyone and hurriedly left.

"What? You let it go!" If she didn't want to get along well with the Ping family in this life, she would have the heart to kill Ping Qing.

The group of three people stopped until they left the gate of the military headquarters. Gu Yunbo's face was cold like ice, and his knives swished towards Pingqing. She must be afraid that she would steal his sister's man, so she deliberately made trouble just now.

Sinister, cunning, despicable and shameless.

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