May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Vol 2 Chapter 24: Unaffordable consequences

"will not!"

Ping Simin was almost unable to keep the smile on his face when he was rushed. During this period, Zhu Meihua had done a lot of ideological work with her, and he almost took her ‘brilliant deeds’ back then as a successful model. But she still couldn't swallow this breath, went to a good sister's house to play, and asked someone to complain that January gave her many ideas.

"Sister, it doesn't matter if you don't let me, I will let you be a little sister." Ping Simin told herself that this is not a loss, it is not a loss. Then he dragged Gu Yunbo and dragged her towards the small square.

The person who had been playing also stopped.

Gu Yunbo's looks, temperament and clothes are really eye-catching. Everywhere is the focus of attention, which is also what Ping Simin can't stand. I can't wait to scratch this face and paint all of it with black ink.

Let you arrogant, let you be invincible.

"Yuehong, let me introduce you. This is our new sister, Gu Yunbo, who happens to have the same surname as you!" Ping Simin smiled. She and Gu Yuehong have known each other since they were young, and they are not cold to her in January. It's not hot. After hearing her talk about Gu Yunbo this time, she supported her very much.

Otherwise, she would not be qualified to live in Gu's house for such a long time.

"Hello, my name is Gu Yuehong. I am glad to meet you."

Faced with the kind smile of the girl in front of him, no one could refuse. This was also Gu Yuehong's greatest advantage. The real thoughts never show on her face. Born into a big family like Gu's family, she is more realistic and proud than anyone else.

This person named Gu Yunbo was very repulsive through Ping Simin's description. Now that we meet, it is more annoying than expected. But she wouldn't be as stupid as Ping Simin, who was calculated and couldn't make it better.

"I like you very much, can we be friends in the future?" Gu Yuehong looked at her expectantly, her big watery eyes seemed to speak.

Gu Yunbo pursed his lips and did not answer. The eyes of the people around him became sharper and sharper. The teenager holding a basketball on the court was staring at her rebelliously, his sharp eyes falling on Gu Yunbo's face like a knife.

Outside, no one dared not save the face of the family.

In this largest northern city, the Gu family is a century-old prominent family, and the family's children have successfully entered the army, politics or business. The commander of the military district compound next door, the Meng family, is also a family friend with them.

"Yunbo, don't you like me? If I did something wrong, you have to tell me and I can fix it. I just want to be friends with you without any malice." Gu Yuehong shook her fist nervously, her eyes watery as if I can cry anytime.

Gu Yunbo didn't like Gu Yuehong, very, very much. In her previous life, she didn't know the true face of Gu Yuehong, and she had calculated many times for her without defense. It's like a leech when you meet her, as long as you look at it, you can't get rid of it.

But the Gu family's power was there, and no one could refuse her.

"Hello!" Gu Yunbo knew that she couldn't refuse. Even if she was reborn, she still had to bow her head in front of reality. She still had nothing. "Gu Yuehong."

"Just call me Yuehong, can I call you Yunbo?"

"When... Of course."

Gu Yuehong happily shook hands with her, deliberately pretending to be mature and said: "Hello Comrade Yunbo." After speaking, she blinked and she became more likable.

Gu Yunbo looked at the right hand held by her, and could hardly control her slap. She can only keep admonishing herself, calm and patient. Gu Sisi was watching by the side!

She couldn't bear the consequences of hitting Gu Yuehong.

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