May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Vol 2 Chapter 32: little stars

"Son, do you say this? Neither of us can coax your sister." The daughter was spoiled by her. "Or let Gu Yunbo come back and kowtow to your sister!"

"No!" Ping Qing flatly refused.

Zhu Meihua was immediately unhappy, "How can you, brother, help outsiders?"

"Mom!" Ping Qing smiled bitterly, "Why did I help outsiders? Do you think that asking Gu Yunbo to kneel to Simin can really solve the problem? She will still be bothered, and if we really want Gu Yunbo did this. How will you and dad be in the family home in the future?"

Zhu Meihua was stunned for a moment, and nodded in a murmur, "I really can't do this." Gu Yunbo still has great use for her!

"Then what about your sister?"

"I'm used to it, she just makes trouble."

"This... Then I'm going to work this afternoon." She and the unit had asked for leave.

"Well, I happen to be watching her on vacation."


What happened to Ping Simin when he woke up at home was spread out again, and people on both sides knew it, and Gu Yunbo became completely famous. In the morning, Sister Fang came back from shopping and heard a lot of comments.

It is said that the Ping family accepted a white-eyed wolf, and his words are quite sympathetic to Ping Simin.

There are also more people who praise Zhu Meihua for his integrity and kindness. Helping a good sister to take care of her daughter is not partial at all. Her biological daughter was almost strangled to take care of an adopted daughter.

Most people really can't do it.

"Is that Zhu Meihua really so good?" Meng Fanqing's cold voice sounded from behind, and he was surprised to return while picking vegetables.

"Meng Fan, why are you walking silently?"

"Scout, how can you let the enemy discover when you are near the enemy?"

"Yes, yes..." Sister Fang was very happy to think of Meng Fan's military talents. She was indeed the pride of the chief. Even the old chief of the Northwest Military Region was full of praise when he mentioned Meng Fan.

"Have you finished exercising? Go upstairs and take a shower." Sister Fang urged him to go upstairs, seeing his thin clothes. For the two brothers of the Meng family, the one she loves most is the boss, who has carried the glory and future of the entire family on her shoulders since she was a child.

No one knows how stressful he is.

"it is good!"

Meng Fan went upstairs, the door was closed when he passed the guest room, and the little girl hadn't appeared since entering last night. He knocked gently on the door, but there was no response inside. Thinking of the bold words of the little girl in the military department yesterday, his **** thin lips slightly raised an arc.

Still a little girl, know what!

Just when he was about to give up, the door was opened, and Gu Yunbo's face that had just woke up appeared behind the door. He has messy hair and sleepy eyes.

"Meng Fan?" There was a hint of surprise in her eyes, and then suddenly rushed back into Meng Fan when she was stunned by surprise.

The girl's body with a rich fragrance is absolutely different from the softness of a man. Meng Fan was suddenly struck by lightning and froze in place.

"Little Xingxing, I finally dreamed of you, I finally dreamed of you." Her voice was broken and messy, and she covered it with a long-lasting panic in her heart. His thin arms hugged his neck tightly, his whole body pressed against his chest.

The man's steady heartbeat and the unique taste on his body made Gu Yunbo more dependent, and he refused to let go.

"Little Xingxing, I want to dream about you every night, but I have never dreamed of it once. Do you think I am very useless!"

Gu Yunbo's words made Meng Fan's ears blush.

She called him Little Star?

She actually called him Little Star!

The thought of the three words "Little Xingxing" coming out of her mouth made his handsome face even redder.

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