May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Vol 2 Chapter 50: twist the truth

"What's this?" Gao Jinglin was obviously interested in these things, squatting on the ground fiddling.

Gu Yunbo washed out and watched Gao Jinglin's eyes flashed a bright light. Where is this kid's grandfather's family background! It is not difficult at all to get military supplies.


Gao Jinglin took a step back and said with a wink: "Sister Bo, our brothers have something to say, don't scare me."

"Help sister get some military supplies."

"What? What supplies do you want? A military coat or a military flashlight? These are okay, leave it to me."

"No." Gu Yunbo shook his head, gestured with a pistol, scared Gao Jinglin and stood up from the ground.

"Sister Bo, you have too much appetite to get it. If I could get it, I would have gotten one for myself."

Gu Yunbo sighed, really! Weapons control is too strict, and it is absolutely impossible to have a gun without a license. If she were in the United States, she would not have such a headache. In the next two months of extreme training, it is really insecure without a gun.

"Sister Bo, what do you want to do? Talk to my brother." Gao Jinglin showed a big dog-like expression and said flatly, "Take me to play with my brother!"

"Go go go... the kids go and play."

"Sister Bo..." Gao Jinglin started acting like a baby in a shameless voice, with goose bumps in his voice. "Sister Bo, bring your younger brother doll!"

"Then you get me some military flashlights, daggers, and compressed biscuits." She thought about it for a moment, and decided to take Gao Jinglin with her. Since he was destined to be a soldier in the future, he might also participate in the Southern Xinjiang War, so he should train in advance.

I am very fond of him, and they have eaten a lot of food after they got acquainted with him.

"No problem." Gao Jinglin jumped up happily, "Sister Bo tell me about your plan."

"Ms. Guo and I took a two-month vacation to prepare to go to the southern area after the New Year for a two-month extreme training." She patiently explained the training content, including what is extreme training and so on. Listen Gao Jinglin's eyes were getting brighter, and his breathing became quicker.

"Sister Bo, you talked about sniping, climbing, driving, skydiving, shooting, wild survival, all kinds of individual light and heavy weapons, you can do it? Are you really capable?" Gao Jinglin finished in one breath, panting with excitement on his face It's all red.

"Of course, it's just unfamiliar now, so I need to practice and prepare for joining the army next year."

"Aren't you going to the military academy?"

"My goal is not a military school, but a reconnaissance company of field troops."

"Sister Bo, I like your arrogance." The field army reconnaissance company is the ultimate goal of every soldier. When he said at home that he wanted to go in, he would be mocked by his grandfather.


"I'll go with you, you can practice me, do whatever you want..." Before Gao Jinglin finished speaking, Gu Yunbo hurriedly covered his mouth, and the two of them kept this movement and looked out the door.

Ping Simin's eyes widened, looking at the two with a disgusting expression.

Gu Yunbo let go.

"What's wrong? Eating shit? It's disgusting?" Gao Jinglin said irritably.

" are really disgusting." Ping Simin screamed, and yelled hysterically: "Smelly shameless, lowly, depraved, ridiculous, disgusting..."

"Sure enough, I ate shit." Gao Jinglin nodded with a special surprise.

"Adulter**." Ping Simin yelled and rushed out, and the whole family yard could hear it loudly. The neighbor next door stretched his head and took a look, and said kindly: "Yunbo! Pay attention."

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