"It's just too thin. If you want to be fatter and more imposing, I will call you Sister Bo." The thin young man smiled openly, and the red sweater on his body made his originally pale face flushed a bit.

"Zhang Yang, don't grab someone from me."

Originally called Zhang Yang, Gu Yunbo took a long look and began to shuffle the cards. This seems to be a celebrity in his previous life.

"Virtue." Some people ridiculed.

Gao Jinglin slapped his mind and scolded himself for being stupid. Today, I called Sister Bo to introduce her to Sister Bo, but he hasn't introduced her until now.

Gao Jinglin pulled the disgusted teenager and said, "Sister Bo, let me introduce you. This is my nickname Chen Yingjie, who has already enlisted in the army. Don't look at his young age, he is particularly upbeat. There is a small soldier in the field corps reconnaissance company, although only a small soldier , Everyone who may enter, there is no one soft."

"I know." Gu Yunbo's eyes fell on the awkward young man, with three points of joy and admiration, "Very powerful, very powerful, and I will be a big man who wants to be the head of the regiment in the future."

"That... of course." Chen Yingjie felt embarrassed to be praised so bluntly for the first time.

Everyone looked at Chen Yingjie with envy and jealousy, and wanted to press him under the table for a beat, but there was a girl sitting at the table, forget it! Just go around him.

"Where is your sister? Why didn't you see her here?"

"Huh?" Chen Yingjie was taken aback, "How do you know that I have a younger sister?"

"I..." Oh, forget it. "I heard what Gao Jinglin said."

"She went to visit her grandmother's New Year." Chen Yingjie turned around and stretched out her arms and strangled Gao Jinglin to settle the account with him, "Well, you stinky boy, my sister is so young, you dare to hit her attention, are you still human? "

"Wrong, wronged!"

Gu Yunbo held back his laugh, lowered his head and started playing cards intently. She also hopes to win more to settle her living expenses! Pingjia flies, hates herself to death, and will definitely not help her in the future.

"A big deal, something big happened." Tian Banshan's face was smeared with purple potion, and he rushed in yellingly, "The young commander is back, and I heard that he had beaten someone at the gate of the new compound. "

"How was the beating?"

"Half-dead! It's miserable."

"Tell me, tell us what the **** is going on!"

"Yeah! This person must have provoke our young commander, or he will use him to make a shot himself."

It was mentioned that everyone was interested in the young commander, and even Chen Yingjie, who looked awkward, surrounded him. Gu Yunbo who was playing cards also quietly pricked up one ear to eavesdrop.

Unpretentiously, his fair and small ears were twisted. "Are you an adult? Just started gambling."

"The New Year is eighteen, and it's just an adult."

"It's good to be an adult."

This voice...

Gu Yunbo stood up abruptly, and almost hit Gu Yunbo's chin again. The living room was as quiet as a chicken, and everyone stared at the two with hot eyes. Gao Jinglin looked deceived and condemned with his eyes.

He also said that he was sent under the fence and had a meal without a meal. They are all lie, they are all lie, and they know Meng Fan and have such a good relationship with him.

Xu Qigang, who came in with Meng Fan, also glanced at Gu Yunbo unexpectedly.

I've never seen Meng Fan pay such attention to that woman. Although he behaves casually and carelessly, he can't fool his eyes.

"Sorry, are you okay? Does it hurt?" Gu Yunbo said again, "Do you want me to rub it for you?"

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