May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Vol 2 Chapter 68: It's your turn

"Thank you!" Meng Fan thanked politely.

God didn't hear it again, Gu Yunbo wanted to throw the card in his hand.

"Sister Bo, it's up to you to play the cards." The person sitting at the bottom urged.

"Oh!" Gu Yunbo nodded and handed out a Yaoji. After leaving, he found that there were two Yaoji at home. Not to mention the ugly expression, even Meng Fan, who was sitting behind her, couldn't bear it.

Xu Qigang chatted with people over there, and got a panoramic view of the situation here, and gave Meng Fan an unexpected glance. That look means, is it interesting for you to bully a yellow-haired girl with a dignified reconnaissance company commander?

Meng Fan nodded slightly, made a look of attentively watching others play cards, and was well-trained at home, absolutely not a word.

They are all young people. Everyone is very quick to play cards. You don't have to think about it when you get a card. They go down in circles. Then everyone was shocked to find that Gu Yunbo had three times in a row.

Little eyes couldn't help laughing, and teased: "Sister Bo, are you letting us?"

"Get out!" Gu Yunbo cursed in an angry voice: "Shut up, you." The cards that could have been humiliated were beaten into **** by her abruptly. There was nowhere to send out the fire, and some people dared to come to the door.

"Sister Bo, I won again, I will pay for all three of them!"

Gu Yunbo controlled his temper, his face gloomy and did not speak for a long time. If she doesn't speak, others don't speak, and she concentrates on winning money. Once she was focused, she could smell the familiar breath of the man behind her.

With the fragrance of wild grass and soap, and the domineering aura that can't be ignored. She frowned, in a daze. Surprisingly, how does this momentum seem familiar? It shouldn't be!

Meng Fan has always been Lang Lang Ruyu in her memory, a modest and upright person, how could he be overbearing?

She must have lost money and lost her head. No, she wants to kill and win.

She is about to start to grow up.

The eyes of the man behind him gloomily swept across her body, and the touch of if there was nothing on his lips became deeper, and the little girl had a keen instinct.

Gu Yunbo looked at the opportunity to quickly get out of his hands. What he saw from his talents was hand speed. The faster the speed, the more powerful. Her speed was deliberately practiced in her previous life, saying that there are not many people like them who are slow.

But she is fast, and someone is faster than her.

Gu Yunbo thought he was dazzled, why did the 30,000 he just moved home disappear? Why didn't you come?

Why is it gone?

She rubbed her eyes, trying to lift the table.

The slender wrist placed on the edge of the table was grabbed by someone, and he rubbed his eyes up and down to the door three, showing a strange smile, and then looked at Gao Jinglin sympathetically. It seems to see the green grassland above him, man! If you want to live a life, you have to have a little green on your head. Normal, very normal, they would never look down on Gao Jinglin.

The three looked at each other and smiled secretly.

"What are you doing?" Gu Yunbo turned his head to look at Meng Fan, and asked angrily. That is, he, replaced by someone staring behind him, she went to punch and kick in the morning, and he didn't even know his father.

"The brand depends on the character." The words are concise and concise.

Gu Yunbo immediately looked like a frustrated ball, so she wasn't dazzled just now? Was he caught himself when he came out, and was destroyed by his worse speed?

This man... Damn it.

What's more hateful is that he actually knows that his character is not good, it's over! With such a good character, he must look down on her with a bad character, and despise her in my heart, right?

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