"The man you were looking for is completely abandoned."

Mr. Gu's words made Gu Yuehong stagger, almost unsteady. It's not that she feels distressed, but she's frightened. She knows that Ping Qing is investigating, but she is confident that Ping Qing cannot find out.

"Grandpa, who is it? Who did it?" She finally stopped being stiff and asked eagerly.

"Don't worry, you can't provoke it anyway, and I can't provoke it either."

"How could there be someone you can't afford to provoke?"

Old man Gu sneered, "Hehe...you go to the old and new courtyard to try, pick out one to see if you can get it off."

At this time, everyone in the Gu family became solemn, and even the old man must be afraid of the background. Unexpectedly, the humble Ping family could find such a strong backer.

correct! Ping Guofei had been a guard for Meng Xingzhi for ten years, and his friendship was naturally different from others. Could it be that Meng Xingzhi came forward in person? If so, there is indeed the ability to make the old man afraid.

"Look at what you did well." Gu's second child gave his daughter a fierce look and reprimanded: "If you dare to be lawless in the future, don't blame me for being polite."

Gu Yuehong shrank, her shaky appearance looked extremely pitiful. In fact, her heart is full of anger and unwillingness. This is the first time she has kicked the iron plate over the years.

"Give me to the Ping's house tomorrow and apologize to Ping Simin." Old man Gu glared at Fu Shuzhen after he said, "You, bring the money to the door and settle the matter for me."


"It's really a mother who has lost her son."


When Gu Yunbo rode his bicycle back to the family yard, it was not time for dinner, and just after the sun set, a group of children threw firecrackers in the yard. Seeing her going in, she shouted mad girls before and after.

"Oh... the crazy girl can't come back."

"What about you crazy girl? Why didn't you send you back?"

Gu Yunbo's angry black face, she knows that her neighbors are very displeased with her, probably because she likes to be alone and doesn't maintain good-neighborly friendship.

In short, it is ignorant.

whatever! She does what she wants, but doesn't want to move irrelevant people in order to maintain good-neighborly friendship.

"To shut up!"

"Crazy girl, crazy girl..."

As soon as Gu Yunbo spoke, the child yelled happierly. In fact, there was no malice. The child was not very old, so he probably didn't know what he said.

She didn't bother to take care of it, parked her bicycle, and carried her big bag upstairs. The contents of the bag must not be discovered by outsiders, especially Pingqing, who is smart and can guess if he knows it.

She carries the pistol next to her body, wears a lot of clothes in winter, and is not afraid of being discovered, and she is confident that not everyone can get close.

"Yunbo." Ping Guofei's voice sounded outside.

Gu Yunbo, who was drilling under the bed, crawled out of it, patted his body and opened the door.

"Uncle, what's the matter?"

"I'm going to eat right away. You will be deserted at home and go to your uncle's house." Ping Guofei looked at her with complicated eyes. Since Yunbo moved out to live, he has completely strayed from them.

This time Siming's accident has brought the relationship between the two parties to a freezing point, and I am afraid that there is no room for recovery.

"Oh! Okay." Gu Yunbo turned and locked the door, and walked to the building behind Ping Guofei.

"Yunbo, I've wronged you this time. Uncle Black and White misunderstood you." Ping Guofei apologized as he walked, and the two of them couldn't help but stop.

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