May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Vol 2 Chapter 76: Unexpected guest

The next day, the Heike welcomed an unexpected guest.

Fu Shuzhen and Gu Yuehong's mother and son drove in a special car, carrying large and small bags to the door in person. The mother and daughter were all smiles, they were not as arrogant as they were when they drove people out before.

"Simin." Gu Yuehong saw Ping Simin at a glance, and smiled forward and grabbed the opponent's hand. With great strength, Simin struggled to break free for a few times without breaking free.

"Simin, I came to see you. I can rest assured that you look good. You don’t know that I’m worried to death during this period of time. I have always wanted to see you, and I’m afraid you don’t want to see outsiders, so I have to bear it until now just came."

Gu Yuehong's enthusiasm made Ping Simin unable to resist.

"Why don't you talk, are you still angry with me? Don't be angry! We are good sisters, and we all blame me for not protecting you! Well, this is all to blame for the bad guys. Don't worry, I will protect you in the future Good you."

Ping Simin was confused and looked at Zhu Meihua suspiciously.

Why did my mother come back from Gu’s family to say the same as Gu Yuehong’s, who is the truth?

"Go, let's go out for a while, the sun is out, and it can be warm today." Gu Yuehong winked at Fu Shuzhen, and took Ping Simin to walk outside.

Ping Simin had been playing with Gu Yuehong, and her words had penetrated into her bones. Even if she rejected doubts in her heart, she followed.

When Ping Guofei and his son were gone, Zhu Meihua and Fu Shuzhen were left in the room for a while.

Zhu Meihua stood there, looking at Fu Shuzhen a little at a loss. She was not as stupid as her daughter, she felt like a mirror in her heart. She had personally experienced how arrogant and mean-hearted Gu's attitude was when she came home.

Now even if the other party comes to apologize, she knows that the apology is definitely not true. Maybe it's a warning or a warning.

Sure enough... Fu Shuzhen stood in the middle of the living room gracefully, looking up and down, frowning vigorously every time she saw a place, her eyes filled with disgust and rejection.

Such a poor family broke their business, and they still have the ability to ask a big man to warn them.

Humph! It was embarrassing that she was able to come in person today, and wanted her to apologize and dream. Impossible in the next life!

"Please sit down!" Zhu Meihua, as the host, asked to sit down if she kept the other side standing.

Fu Shuzhen waved her hand in disgust, "Too dirty!"

The peace on Zhu Meihua's face can no longer be maintained, and her ferocious look is revealed, "No one invites you, please leave if you feel dirty, you are not welcome here."

Fu Shuzhen stood still, her face still holding her noble and condescending smile, "I will leave, I want to remind you a few words before leaving. My daughter takes care of it, don't harm people everywhere. Behave clearly. I didn’t do anything wrong. I went around trying to throw dirty water on our Gu’s head. Don’t you look at your own virtues? Is it worth it?”

"You...Of course our family deserves it, and my daughter deserves it even better."

"Hahaha..." Fu Shuzhen covered her mouth and laughed out loud, as if she heard a particularly funny joke for a long time.

"Have you laughed enough?" Zhu Meihua's nose was crooked.

"Enough." Fu Shuzhen stopped laughing, and looked around for a long time before shook her head and said: "Seeing your house is so old, I will give you a set! Remember, just give it to you. I'll be honest, otherwise..." I didn't say the last words, but the threat was already obvious.

She said that she took out an envelope from her bag and put it on the table.

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