May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Vol 2 Chapter 87: Four Enemies

The Northern Military Region turned the sky over because of the disappearance of Gao Jinglin and Gu Yunbo, but the two disappeared without a trace. The two went all the way from the snowy north to the sunny south, from the heavy industrial city to the uninhabited virgin forest.

Gao Jinglin was quickly reborn because of the huge consumption of extreme training and the study of investigation and counter-investigation. In addition to the change of spirit, the whole person also lost a circle.

Gu Yunbo hasn't changed much, except that it's a little darker than before, other opportunities haven't changed much. Along the way, handy and casual. Gao Jinglin was envious and admired even more.

He is really too discerning, and the things of Sister Bo will open his eyes.

That day the two were camping by the stream. Gu Yunbo ordered dried firewood grilled fish, and Gao Jinglin chased rabbits all over the mountains. The two cooperated tacitly, and soon an attractive fragrance floated from the mountains.

Gao Jinglin has eaten dry food and wild fruits for a month or two. It's because I don't want people to find the traces of the burning fire. This is also a group of anti-reconnaissance groups. Now Sister Bo finally speaks, making him unhappy.

"Sister Bo, you can taste the fragrant rabbit meat first." Gao Jinglin offered the roasted rabbit meat very dogmatically.

"Eat it yourself!" She grilled the fish in her hands earnestly, "I like to eat fish."

"Well, I'll catch more fish for you in the future." Gao Jinglin stared at Gu Yunbo. Since Sister Bo came out, she was completely different from school, as if she had changed herself.

"The beauty of thinking." Gu Yunbo gave him a blank look. "No fire is allowed in the next three months."

"But we have run out of food."

"There are a lot of things that can come out in the wild. When the Red Army crosses the grass, the roots of the grass can be eaten. Why can't you eat it?" In fact, the terrain of this area has already been kept in mind in her mind to prepare for the next goal to the border.

At that time, you can purchase supplies on the road.

Gao Jinglin suddenly had the desire to die, and he never felt so much hardship when he wanted to grow so much together. But thinking that the increasingly keen reaction ability is worth everything, so I had to lower my head and eat meat vigorously.

Gu Yunbo smiled, he finally didn't see the wrong person, and Gao Jinglin didn't let her down.

"How many people did you find following us along the way?"

"What?" Gao Jinglin bit a bite of meat in surprise, his mouth was greasy, and asked stupidly: "What is someone following us for?"

Gu Yunbo kicked up with an angry kick, but she thought it was pretty good just now! Really blind. "Silu, there are four passers-by following us, you fool."

"No wonder! I always think Sister Bo's reaction is very strange."

"You didn't think the enemy's reaction was strange, but you thought your own reaction was strange?" Really lost to him.

"Should not be the enemy?"

"Gao Jinglin." Gu Yunbo didn't want to grill the fish anymore, and said solemnly: "For those who are hiding in the dark or intending to track us, they are enemies, 100% enemies. Only if you treat them as enemies can you do the best. Only by making good preparations can we not let up, and can better deal with emergencies."

"Yes! Sister Bo."

"Don't eat, go on." Gu Yunbo stepped on the fire and continued training while Gao Jinglin complained.


The weather is getting warmer and everyone is busy. Ping Simin, who had been in trouble for almost a month, also gritted her teeth and went to school. Gu Yuehong was surprised that she had a good mentality when she faced the people around her.

The Ping Simin she knew was not such a person, if she had such a good mentality, she would not despise her from the bottom of her heart.

In order to watch her good show, I have carefully prepared. If it doesn't work at all, let her put Gu Yuehong's face there?

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