May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Vol 2 Chapter 297: Go home to continue

"Why do you say that?"

"Because it's late, you don't necessarily belong to me." My father was busy when he was young, and he almost took care of him when he grew up. For the only brother, the whole world can no longer find anyone who knows better than him.

"Wrong, no matter when I meet, the only person I like is you, and there will never be other people." Gu Yunbo leaned in his arms, feeling his warm chest and strong heartbeat.

I haven't seen him for so long, she really missed him very much. Especially after solving Shen Ming, she has relaxed a lot. People who don't usually like to take the science and information department, can now joke with everyone.

"Yunbo." Meng Fan held her face, her thin lips almost pressed against her delicate lips, and the good smell followed his words, gently blowing on her face, bringing a soggy touch.

Gu Yunbo stared at him in a daze, whoever faced this handsome face at close range would be fascinated!

"Huh?" She hummed dullly.

"I love you..." The simple and clear words sealed his lips before he finished speaking, and also blocked the words he hadn't said yet.

His lips and tongue went from being soft and lingering at first to being hot and overbearing...every step was like the accumulation of feelings, from plain to boiling, and then so hot that she couldn't bear it.

Gu Yunbo only felt that his waist was about to be cut off by him, and his whole body was limp in his arms, letting him pry away the teeth. The man's dexterous tongue sucked her sweetness with a fascinating breath and touch, and his slender fingers did not know when to get into the clothes, stroking the softness of his chest.

"Hmm..." Gu Yunbo wanted to struggle, but couldn't push him away. He placed his hands on his chest and felt that his hands were all hard. Unwilling to reconcile, he arrogantly untied the military uniform buckle on his neck.

Why is she confused and intrigued, clothes disheveled, but he has a neat military uniform and a frightening appearance.

"Good!" Meng Fan finally let go of her, half-squinting her eyes to see her lips being swollen because of the kiss, the flames under her eyes became more scorching. Her eyes were tightly shrunk, lingering affectionate and pitying, as if there were countless invisible emotions covering her whole body densely.

There is no escape.

Gu Yunbo's blank brain was finally awake for a moment, looking at him idiotically. How could she not love such a little star, how could she let it go?

My previous life is really stupid and pitiful. Why do you want to avenge persistently? Just staying by his side forever, taking advantage of him is the greatest happiness!

The two of them were entangled in their eyes, attracted each other deeply like magnets, and couldn't bear to separate. Finally, the distance between the two of them got closer and closer, and the lips were pressed together again.

The crazy kiss was out of control, Meng Fan's straight military uniform was untied, and the buttons of his shirt fell to reveal his white jade skin. The whole person has a breath of abstinence, which makes people want to put aside all moral shackles, and all self-esteem bows under his military uniform.

In fact, Gu Yunbo did the same. She never concealed her true thoughts.

"Um... Yunbo." He snorted, his voice dull and intoxicating, and his beautiful face was flushed with affection. "Yunbo, don't do this."

He held her face, his eyes filled with distress.

Gu Yunbo licked his lips and evoked a smile of amorous feelings, like a charming little fox.

"This is in the car. Let's go home." With great self-control, Meng Fan forced her to put on her clothes, while he himself carried her out of the car in a mess.

From opening the door to going upstairs, the fast moving clouds and flowing water will never be muddled.

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