May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Vol 2 Chapter 299: Good morning

When Gu Yunbo heard that he was going to Su's house for dinner, he was extremely positive. Wash up quickly and go out with Meng Fan. The two of them were walking on the boulevard of the compound. When they met neighbors coming and going, they would greet Meng Fan, and they would show her a kind smile.

"Sister Bo good morning." It was the small eyes, running quickly in a panic, and everyone ran away and didn't forget to look back and say hello.

"Good morning." Gu Yunbo smiled and nodded, very like a big sister.

"Good morning Sister Bo." It was Chen Yingjie, who had returned from training outside, with a hint of childishness on Sven's face.

Gu Yunbo looked a little more excited than before, and waved happily. "Good morning, have you eaten yet? Do you want to have a meal with us?" The two were acquaintances in their previous lives, and this kid had several encounters with her when he went to the United States. So Gu Yunbo naturally felt a little more familiar with seeing him than seeing others.

Chen Yingjie glanced at his battalion commander's unsightly expression and shook his head. "I have already eaten." If Sister Bo forced him to invite him to dinner, he would reluctantly agree to it!

After Chen Yingjie finished speaking, he looked at Gu Yunbo expectantly, waiting for her to invite again.

"Oh! Forget it! Bye."

"..." Chen Yingjie was about to agree! Unexpectedly, Gu Yunbo would say so, his expression froze.

Meng Fan took her away with satisfaction.

So Chen Yingjie stood alone, with a trace of grievance flashing in his eyes. Are people so insincere now? Is it just a way to invite people to dinner?

Too insincere.


Father Su knew last night that Meng Fan was waiting for his wife to return. He has nothing to do at home since he retired. In addition to arguing with the old man, playing chess, and occasionally beating his son, he likes to pay attention to this young couple.

Knowing that the two of them were away for a long time and there was probably nothing at home, they asked Su Haimen to call someone to eat. Now looking forward to seeing the two of them eagerly, their faces turned into chrysanthemums.

"Sister Bo, you are finally here, I miss you too!" The old man greeted the door happily, completely ignoring the twitching corners of Su Hai's mouth behind him.

"Good girl, I heard that you did a great job this time, and you did a beautiful job." He was one of the insiders about Shen Yu's affairs. This girl really has an appetite for him.

Be courageous and strategic, act decisively, and be aggressive when necessary. This is the ability that a soldier should possess. It is said that a woman can hold up half the sky, and a female soldier is not weaker than a male soldier.

"Grandpa, I think so too." Gu Yunbo didn't know how to write the words thick-skinned at all.

"Hahaha... Sister Bo is still sincere, and she can be so open with a thick skin."

"Grandpa, I am fresh and refined."

"Hahaha... Sister Bo, why are you not my daughter-in-law! If it doesn't work, you can be my granddaughter-in-law! How about you think about my Huai'an! Very good young man."

The two stood together and chatted very happily without noticing that Meng Fan's face was green. "Ahem...Grandpa, I want to go home." In front of him, they robbed him and digged into his corner. .

Elder Su ignored him, didn't even look at him and said, "You can leave if you want."

"Never come again." The threat in the words was already obvious.

Grandpa Su's eyes widened, and he reluctantly said, "Okay! Don't say it, huh!" He still felt that his grandson-in-law was closer than his grandson-in-law, especially this grandson was a cheap grandson.

Meng Fan and Su Hai looked at each other and shook their heads helplessly.

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